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#StandWithUkraine #GarryKasparov #TED2022
Stand with Ukraine in the Fight against Evil | Garry Kasparov | TED
157 people reacted
These animals are also plants … wait, what? - Luka Seamus Wright

The species of slug known as Elysia chlorotica may not look like much — it resembles a bright green leaf — but it’s one of the most extraordinary creatures on our planet.

Living in marshes along the coast of North America, it can go about a year without eating. During that time, it lives like a plant. How is this possible?

Luka Seamus Wright digs into the incredible adaptations of these mixotrophs.
41 people reacted
Esports and the New Era of Play | James Hodge | TED

As the line between the physical and digital worlds blur, so does the line between real-world and virtual sports.

Reframing our understanding of competition,
See more data-driven technologist James Hodge explains how far esports (like virtual Formula 1 race car driving) have come in replicating the conditions of physical sports, making elite competition more accessible than ever before.

“This really is the new era for play - and it’s open to everyone," he says.
90 people reacted
The wild sex lives of marine creatures - Luka Seamus Wright

On a reef in the Pacific Ocean, 17,000 camouflage groupers dart about in the cloudy water. It is, in fact, an underwater orgy — turned feeding frenzy.

An orgy might seem like a rather flamboyant way to breed, but sex in the sea is a surprisingly inventive affair.

So what other sneaky escapades are happening under the sea? Luka Seamus Wright offers a peek beneath the ocean’s covers.

Published Nov 23, 2021
41 people reacted
The myth of bringing your full, authentic self to work | Jodi-Ann Burey

Calls for authenticity at work ask for passionate people with diverse, fresh perspectives who challenge old ways of thinking. But too often workplace
See more culture fails to support the authenticity of professionals of color and other underrepresented groups, leading instead to backlash and fewer opportunities.

Writer Jodi-Ann Burey outlines steps toward exposing privilege and achieving true equity on the job - and implores those in leadership positions to accept responsibility for change.

Published Mar 30, 2021
28 people reacted