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Translation of 5.6.x: Lower Sorbian

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Prio Original string Translation
Sorry, you are not allowed to view terms for this post. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sorry, you are not allowed to view terms for this post.

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This content is password protected. Toś to wopśimjeśe se pśez gronidło šćita. Details
This content is password protected.

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Could not set that as the thumbnail image. Try a different attachment. To njedajo se ako miniaturka nastajiś. Wopytajśo drugi pśidank. Details
Could not set that as the thumbnail image. Try a different attachment.

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Disable tips Pokazki znjemóžniś Details
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Got it Som zrozměł Details
Got it

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See next tip Pśiducu pokazku pokazaś Details
See next tip

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Editor tips Pokazki editora Details
Editor tips

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Your site doesn’t include support for the %s block. You can try installing the block, convert it to a Custom HTML block, or remove it entirely. Wašo sedło pódpěru za blok %s njewopśimujo. Móžośo wopytaś, blok instalěrowaś, jen do swójskego HTML-bloka konwertěrowaś abo jen cele wótwónoźeś. Details
Your site doesn’t include support for the %s block. You can try installing the block, convert it to a Custom HTML block, or remove it entirely.

%s: block name


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Your site doesn’t include support for the %s block. You can try installing the block or remove it entirely. Wašo sedło pódpěru za blok %s njewopśimujo. Móžośo wopytaś, blok instalěrowaś abo jen cele wótwónoźeś. Details
Your site doesn’t include support for the %s block. You can try installing the block or remove it entirely.

%s: block name


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Install %s %s instalěrowaś Details
Install %s

%s: block name


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  • Singular:
    The following block has been added to your site.
  • Plural:
    The following blocks have been added to your site.
  • 1, 101, 201:
    Slědujucy blok jo se pśidał wašomu sedłoju.
  • 2, 102, 202:
    Slědujucej bloka stej se pśidałej wašomu sedłoju.
  • 3, 4, 103:
    Slědujuce bloki su se pśidali wašomu sedłoju.
  • 0, 5, 6:
    Slědujuce bloki su se pśidali wašomu sedłoju.
Singular: The following block has been added to your site.
Plural: The following blocks have been added to your site.

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  • Singular:
    Added: %d block
  • Plural:
    Added: %d blocks
  • 1, 101, 201:
    Pśidany: %d blok
  • 2, 102, 202:
    Pśidany: %d bloka
  • 3, 4, 103:
    Pśidany: %d bloki
  • 0, 5, 6:
    Pśidany: %d blokow
Singular: Added: %d block
Plural: Added: %d blocks

%d: number of blocks (number).


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By %s Awtor: %s Details
No blocks found in your library. These blocks can be downloaded and installed: Žedne bloki we wašej bibliotece namakane. Toś te bloki daju se ześěgnuś a instalěrowaś: Details
No blocks found in your library. These blocks can be downloaded and installed:

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  • Singular:
    No blocks found in your library. We did find %d block available for download.
  • Plural:
    No blocks found in your library. We did find %d blocks available for download.
  • 1, 101, 201:
    Žedne bloki we wašej bibliotece namakane. Njejsmy %d blok namakali, kótaryž je k dispoziciji za ześěgnjenje.
  • 2, 102, 202:
    Žedne bloki we wašej bibliotece namakane. Njejsmy %d bloka namakali, kótaryž je k dispoziciji za ześěgnjenje.
  • 3, 4, 103:
    Žedne bloki we wašej bibliotece namakane. Njejsmy %d bloki namakali, kótaryž je k dispoziciji za ześěgnjenje.
  • 0, 5, 6:
    Žedne bloki we wašej bibliotece namakane. Njejsmy %d blokow namakali, kótaryž je k dispoziciji za ześěgnjenje.
Singular: No blocks found in your library. We did find %d block available for download.
Plural: No blocks found in your library. We did find %d blocks available for download.

%s: number of available blocks.


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