Qt Training Services

With expert trainers that are experienced practitioners, our training moves beyond theory, giving you valuable real-world insights. As a result, Qt developers worldwide are getting consistent high-quality training.

Get Trained by the Experts

Understanding Qt

We offer in-depth training to help you develop a comprehensive understanding of Qt. Our Authorized Trainers provide a thorough theoretical framework accompanied by examples, conducting as well hands-on labs on your preferred platforms.

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Where, when & with who

Qt training is provided worldwide by The Qt Company and it's certified training partners be it in a classroom, at a workshop or online.

Tailored On-line or On-Site Training

Let us tailor a high impact training that outlines your specific goals. Whether your team is starting out or has been at it for years, we will help you get ambitious things done.

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Scheduled Training

Get access to training sessions across the world with scheduled open seat training that help you learn together with other Qt developers in your town. Check out the training calendar.

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Learn or Teach Qt at School

The next generation developers want to learn Qt too. We provide world class educational institutions with materials for Qt programming courses. Is your school teaching Qt?

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Ready to get certified?

Qt Certification offers tremendous amount of recognition and credibility within the community.

Qt ecosystem partners have a policy that all their developers must be Qt certified, and will only employ people who have obtained the Certified Qt Developer level.

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Tell us about your goals and let’s define your learning path.                     

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