Law Enforcement

The States That Passed Laws This Year to Curb LGBTQ Rights

There’s been a wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation, much of it directed at transgender youth. “Our community has been under attack,” says one advocate.

In Pennsylvania, GOP State Lawmakers Look to Impeach Philadelphia District Attorney

Republicans in Harrisburg say crime goes “unchecked” under Larry Krasner, the city’s progressive top prosecutor

For Mental Crises, Send a Pro Not the Police

Evidence from a pilot program in Denver suggests that providing mental health support for nonviolent emergencies can help reduce crime and save money.

Biden’s Executive Order on Policing Could Help Spur Local Reforms

The directive, which includes varied restrictions and alternatives, drew support from reform advocates as well as groups representing law enforcement officers and cities.

Autonomous Vehicle Camera Footage Could Aid Police Investigations

Data collected by the vehicles in one city shows promise, but privacy advocates say the evidences shows law enforcement agencies are expanding their pervasive surveillance.

New Jersey Combating Vehicle Theft With License Plate Readers

The state will expand its network of high-speed automated cameras to crack down on record numbers of stolen cars.

Biden Wants to Send Even More Federal Dollars to States and Localities

The president's budget plan would raise spending in areas like housing and law enforcement. The proposals come as billions in pandemic aid is flowing to the state and local level.

States Likely to Resist CDC Proposal Easing Opioid Access

Forty states limit the number of days a painkiller prescription can last.

Some Unusual State and Local Laws to Take Note of This Valentine's Day

A number of state and municipal laws deal with relationships—both good and bad ones.

The Biden Administration’s Plea to ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Gets a Cool Reception

The Department of Homeland Security is trying to foster greater cooperation with local governments on immigration enforcement following the strained relations of the Trump years.

Bridge Collapse Revives Criticism Over Using Road Dollars for Police

It's common for states to use gas tax revenue to support law enforcement agencies. But is it a good idea?

New App Tracks Terrorism-linked Events in Local Communities

Once the app is rolled out to first responders in states and localities, law enforcement in other parts of the country can see events in real-time, according to government officials.

New Orleans Leans Into Data to Reduce Over Incarceration

A $474K grant will provide the city with data and analytic assistance to address racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal legal system.

As Legal Marijuana Use Takes Off, How Can Regulating Bodies Keep Pace With the Laws?

COMMENTARY | With more states legalizing marijuana, government agencies must equip themselves with the technology and tools to regulate its use.

5 Unusual State Laws Across the US

There is a wide range of unlikely state laws nationwide, including ones prohibiting biting a person's arm (or leg) off to swearing at kids' sports events.

States With the Most and Least At-risk Youth

Louisiana ranks as the state with the most at-risk youth while Massachusetts ranks as the state with the least, according to a report.

Taking Race Out of Criminal Charges

Prosecutors in Yolo County, California, are attempting “race-blind charging” by using software to redact identifying information, including race and other descriptors, from police reports.

We Can’t Transform Policing Without Addressing Trauma

COMMENTARY | Studies show that many police officers suffer trauma on the job. Officer wellness programs can help them better serve their communities.

Local Leaders Beg for 'Substantial State Assistance, Immediately' to Combat Illegal Marijuana Farms

An Oregon county declared a state of emergency and is requesting $750,000, 45 new employees and the National Guard, which officials say is necessary because the illegal businesses are running rampant, depleting resources and spiking crime.

Bipartisan Support for Red Flag Laws Wanes as GOP Blocks Bills

Midterm-focused Republicans want to galvanize their pro-gun base.