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IETF 114 Rewind

Recordings of all sessions from the IETF 114 meeting (23-29 July 2022), including the plenary and a presentation by Comcast's Chief Network Officer Elad Nafshi on the future of broadband, are now available!

See all the sessions

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  • 115 London

    IETF 115 London 

    IETF 115 starts Saturday 5 November and runs through Friday afternoon, 11 November.

    London, UK
  • Yokohama

    IETF 116 Yokohama 

    IETF 116 starts Saturday 25 March and runs through Friday afternoon, 31 March.

    Yokohama, Japan
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Search the IETF email archive

Much of the daily work of the IETF is conducted on electronic mailing lists. A new mail archive tool realizing the requirements developed in RFC 6778 is now in use:

Search IETF Datatracker

The IETF Datatracker contains data about IETF documents, working groups, meetings, agendas, minutes, presentations, and more:

Understanding the Internet Engineering Task Force

Working Groups

Working Groups are the primary mechanism for development of IETF specifications and guidelines. Working Groups are typically created to address a specific problem or to produce one or more specific deliverables (a guideline, standards specification, etc.).

Featured Working Group


This Working Group is charged with maintaining and developing the "core" specifications for HTTP, and generic extensions to it (i.e., those that are not specific to one application).

HTTPbis [email protected]

Request for Comments (RFCs)

The IETF publishes RFCs authored by network operators, engineers, and computer scientists to document methods, behaviors, research, or innovations applicable to the Internet.

Featured RFC


The QUIC transport protocol has several features that are desirable in a transport for HTTP, such as stream multiplexing, per-stream flow control, and low-latency connection establishment. This docum…

RFC 9114was: RFC 9114

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Next IETF meeting

Stay tuned for the latest information on the next IETF meeting scheduled for 7-11 November 2022

Visit the IETF 115 meeting webpage