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Best .Net Development Tools in 2020

.Net is indeed an important application development platform as it is secure, robust and quite easy to learn and implement. Developers are widely using the .Net framework to build web applications and even modernizing the legacy programming based applications into .Net based ones. .Net developers also use many 3rd party tools to carry out the development work. These tools have proven to provide the best support while the development goes on.

Here are some of the top useful tools being used by many offshore .net development teams, .net developers, individual .net programmers, etc.
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A new experiment: Call .NET gRPC services from the browser with gRPC-Web

Microsoft corporate blog Programming *.NET *ASP *WebAssembly *
I’m excited to announce experimental support for gRPC-Web with .NET. gRPC-Web allows gRPC to be called from browser-based apps like JavaScript SPAs or Blazor WebAssembly apps.

gRPC-Web for .NET promises to bring many of gRPC’s great features to browser apps:

  • Strongly-typed code-generated clients
  • Compact Protobuf messages
  • Server streaming

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Announcing free C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners video courses and tutorials

Microsoft corporate blog Programming *.NET *ASP *C# *
If you've been thinking about learning C#, now is the time to jump in! I've been working on this project for months and I'm happy to announce http://dot.net/videos 

There's nearly a hundred short videos (with more to come!) that will teach you topics like C# 101, .NET, making desktop apps, making ASP.NET web apps, learning containers and Dockers, or even starting with Machine Learning. There's a ton of great, slow-paced beginner videos. Most are less than 10 minutes long and all are organized into Playlists on YouTube!

If you are getting started, I'd recommend starting with these three series in this order — C#, .NET, then ASP.NET. After that, pick the topics that make you the happiest.

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Upcoming SameSite Cookie Changes in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core

Microsoft corporate blog Programming *.NET *ASP *
SameSite is a 2016 extension to HTTP cookies intended to mitigate cross site request forgery (CSRF). The original design was an opt-in feature which could be used by adding a new SameSite property to cookies. It had two values, Lax and Strict.

Setting the value to Lax indicated the cookie should be sent on navigation within the same site, or through GET navigation to your site from other sites. A value of Strict limited the cookie to requests which only originated from the same site. Not setting the property at all placed no restrictions on how the cookie flowed in requests. OpenIdConnect authentication operations (e.g. login, logout), and other features that send POST requests from an external site to the site requesting the operation, can use cookies for correlation and/or CSRF protection. These operations would need to opt-out of SameSite, by not setting the property at all, to ensure these cookies will be sent during their specialized request flows.

Google is now updating the standard and implementing their proposed changes in an upcoming version of Chrome. The change adds a new SameSite value, «None», and changes the default behavior to «Lax». This breaks OpenIdConnect logins, and potentially other features your web site may rely on, these features will have to use cookies whose SameSite property is set to a value of «None».

However browsers which adhere to the original standard and are unaware of the new value have a different behavior to browsers which use the new standard as the SameSite standard states that if a browser sees a value for SameSite it does not understand it should treat that value as «Strict». This means your .NET website will now have to add user agent sniffing to decide whether you send the new None value, or not send the attribute at all.

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Blazor Server in .NET Core 3.0 scenarios and performance

Microsoft corporate blog Programming *.NET *ASP *
Since the release of Blazor Server with .NET Core 3.0 last month lots of folks have shared their excitement with us about being able to build client-side web UI with just .NET and C#. At the same time, we’ve also heard lots of questions about what Blazor Server is, how it relates to Blazor WebAssembly, and what scenarios Blazor Server is best suited for. Should you choose Blazor Server for your client-side web UI needs, or wait for Blazor WebAssembly? This post seeks to answer these questions, and to provide insights into how Blazor Server performs at scale and how we envision Blazor evolving in the future.

What is Blazor Server?

Blazor Server apps host Blazor components on the server and handle UI interactions over a real-time SignalR connection. As the user interacts with the app, the UI events are sent to the server over the connection to be handled by the various components that make up the app. When a component handles a UI event, it’s rendered based on its updated state. Blazor compares the newly rendered output with what was rendered previously and send the changes back to the browser and applies them to the DOM.

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Scanning the code of Orchard CMS for Bugs

PVS-Studio corporate blog Website development *.NET *ASP *C# *

Picture 6

This article reviews the results of a second check of the Orchard project with the PVS-Studio static analyzer. Orchard is an open-source content manager system delivered as part of the ASP.NET Open Source Gallery under the non-profit Outercurve Foundation. Today's check is especially interesting because both the project and the analyzer have come a long way since the first check, and this time we'll be looking at new diagnostic messages and some nice bugs.
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.NET – Tools for working with multithreading and asynchrony – Part 2

.NET *ASP *C# *
I have originally posted this article in CodingSight blog.
It's also available in Russian here.

This article comprises the second part of my speech at the multithreading meetup. You can have a look at the first part here and here. In the first part, I focused on the basic set of tools used to start a thread or a Task, the ways to track their state, and some additional neat things such as PLinq. In this part, I will fix on the issues you may encounter in a multi-threaded environment and some of the ways to resolve them.


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Dynamically generating robots.txt for ASP.NET Core sites based on environment

Microsoft corporate blog Open source *.NET *ASP *C# *

I'm putting part of older WebForms portions of my site that still run on bare metal to ASP.NET Core and Azure App Services, and while I'm doing that I realized that I want to make sure my staging sites don't get indexed by Google/Bing.

I already have a robots.txt, but I want one that's specific to production and others that are specific to development or staging. I thought about a number of ways to solve this. I could have a static robots.txt and another robots-staging.txt and conditionally copy one over the other during my Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline.

Then I realized the simplest possible thing would be to just make robots.txt be dynamic. I thought about writing custom middleware but that sounded like a hassle and more code that needed. I wanted to see just how simple this could be.

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.NET: Tools for working with multi-threading and asynchrony – Part 1

.NET *System Programming *ASP *C# *
I have originally posted this article in CodingSight blog
The second part of the article is available here

The need to do things in an asynchronous way – that is, dividing big tasks between multiple working units – was present long before the appearance of computers. However, when they did appear, this need became even more obvious. It is now 2019, and I’m writing this article on a laptop powered by an 8-core Intel Core CPU which, in addition to this, is simultaneously working on hundreds of processes, with the number of threads being even larger. Next to me, there lies a slightly outdated smartphone which I bought a couple of years ago – and it also houses an 8-core processor. Specialized web resources contain a wide variety of articles praising this year’s flagship smartphones equipped with 16-core CPUs. For less then $20 per hour, MS Azure can give you access to a 128-core virtual machine with 2 TB RAM. But, unfortunately, you cannot get the most out of this power unless you know how to control interaction between threads.
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Blazor now in official preview

Microsoft corporate blog .NET *ASP *C# *

With this newest Blazor release we’re pleased to announce that Blazor is now in official preview! Blazor is no longer experimental and we are committing to ship it as a supported web UI framework including support for running client-side in the browser on WebAssembly.

A little over a year ago we started the Blazor experimental project with the goal of building a client web UI framework based on .NET and WebAssembly. At the time Blazor was little more than a prototype and there were lots of open questions about the viability of running .NET in the browser. Since then we’ve shipped nine experimental Blazor releases addressing a variety of concerns including component model, data binding, event handling, routing, layouts, app size, hosting models, debugging, and tooling. We’re now at the point where we think Blazor is ready to take its next step.

Blazor icon
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.NET Core Container Images now Published to Microsoft Container Registry

Microsoft corporate blog Programming *.NET *ASP *

We are now publishing .NET Core container images to Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). We have also made other changes to the images we publish, described in this post.

Important: You will need to change FROM statements in Dockerfile files and docker pull commands as a result of these changes. 3.0 references need to be changed now. Most 1.x and 2.x usages can be changed over time. The new tag scheme is decribed in this post and are provided at the microsoft-dotnet-core repo, our new home on Docker Hub.

Summary of changes:

  • .NET Core images are now published to Microsoft Container Registry.
  • Updates will continue to be published to Docker Hub, for .NET Core 1.x and 2.x.
  • .NET Core 3.0 will only be published to MCR.
  • Nano Server 2016 images are no longer supported or published.

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Blazor 0.8.0 experimental release now available

Microsoft corporate blog .NET *ASP *C# *

Blazor 0.8.0 is now available! This release updates Blazor to use Razor Components in .NET Core 3.0 and adds some critical bug fixes.

Get Blazor 0.8.0

To get started with Blazor 0.8.0 install the following:

  1. .NET Core 3.0 Preview 2 SDK (3.0.100-preview-010184)
  2. Visual Studio 2019 (Preview 2 or later) with the ASP.NET and web development workload selected.
  3. The latest Blazor extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
  4. The Blazor templates on the command-line:

    dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates::0.8.0-preview-19104-04

You can find getting started instructions, docs, and tutorials for Blazor at https://blazor.net.

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Introducing the .NET Community Standup Series

Microsoft corporate blog .NET *Development of mobile applications *ASP *Xamarin *

We love our .NET community that is filled with amazing developers writing fantastic blogs, libraries, presentations, and pull requests every week. We are always looking for ways to highlight this amazing work, and for over 4 years the ASP.NET team here at Microsoft has been hosting their ASP.NET Community Standups live on YouTube and now Twitch.

During the stream, they show off the latest and greatest community contributions along with all of the great open source work that the teams have been doing. As the .NET community expands so should the community standups, which is why we are pleased to introduce the expansion of their community standups that we officially call the “.NET Community Standup” series. These community standups span multiple teams and products in the world of .NET and show off the amazing work the community is doing.

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