Time & Date Calculator App for iOS
See how long remains before a deadline or exactly when those 30 days are up.
Find out how many days, months, and years there are between any two dates.
Add or subtract any number of days to/from a start date.
Find the precise duration between two dates and times — down to the second.
Add or subtract days, hours, minutes, and seconds to/from a start date and time.
Exclude holidays and weekend days from your date-to-date calculation.
Add or subtract days, excluding holidays and weekend days.
Find the time difference between two cities.
How far is it?
Day length, azimuth, distance etc.
With 2 speed animation! Local times for Solar and Lunar Eclipses and what it will look like.
Equinoxes and solstices mark the beginning of a new astronomical season. Local dates and times.
Direction, illumination percentage etc.
New Moon, 1st Quarter, Full Moon, and 3rd Quarter. Local times worldwide.
LIVE Map: Showing the Sun's and Moon's position in the sky with daylight and nighttime.
Find out the day of the week for a date of your choice.
Or learn to do this calculation in your head.
Calculate the week number for a date or locate any week number on a calendar.