ACM TechTalks

ACM members and non-members alike are welcome to attend our popular series of free TechTalks by expert industry professionals, distinguished ACM award laureates, and visionary researchers from industry and academia. Focused on keeping our global audience of busy practitioners at the forefront of technical trends, professional development, and emerging technologies, the TechTalks are also popular with students and educators. Recent talks have covered topics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Big Data and Data Science, Blockchain, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, JavaScript, Microservices, Python, Quantum Computing, and more. Registration is free and the TechTalks can be attended both live and on-demand, on desktop and mobile devices. Check this page frequently for upcoming events as well as our on-demand archive. To subscribe to our TechTalk announcements, email [email protected].

View Our Recent TechTalk

Instant Memory Training for Tech Success - The ABCs and 123s for Developing a Powerful Memory with Chester Santos

Learn from the world’s leading memory skills expert! In this very fun & interactive presentation, U.S. Memory Champion, Chester Santos – “The International Man of Memory” will help you to develop life changing skills to greatly enhance your professional development. You will unlock your mind's hidden power to easily remember names, facts/figures, presentations, processes/procedures, famous quotes, foreign languages, commands/directories, exam/training material, and much more. This is an entertaining, educational, and “memorable” program with wide appeal!

Learning Bullet Points:
1) Master the fundamental principles of powerful memory skills
2) Exercise your visualization ability, creativity, and imagination
3) Learn to better remember names to get more out of networking and improve professional & personal relationships
4) Better retain learned information and consolidate knowledge for enhanced professional & personal development

ACM Learning Center TechTalk Archive

ACM award winners, leading researchers, industry veterans, thought leaders, and innovators address today and tomorrow's hottest topics and issues in computing for busy practitioners, as well as educators, students, and researchers. Check out our archive of these ACM TechTalks, free for members and non-members alike.

TechTalks on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Talks from some of the leading visionaries and bleeding-edge researchers in AI/ML: Fei-Fei Li on visual intelligence in computers and ImageNet; Eric Horvitz on AI solutions in the open world; and Tom Mitchell on using ML to study how the brain creates and represents language.

Seismic Shifts: Challenges and Opportunities in the 'Post-ISA' Era of Computer Systems Design

View the recent ACM TechTalk, "Seismic Shifts: Challenges and Opportunities in the 'Post-ISA' Era of Computer Systems Design", presented by Margaret Martonosi,  the Hugh Trumbull Adams '35 Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University.  Will Tracz, former chair of ACM SIGSOFT and member of the ACM Professional Development Committee, moderated the questions and answers session following the talk. Continue the discussion on ACM's Discourse Page.

Secure Computation in Practice

View the recent ACM TechTalk, "Secure Computation in Practice"," presented by Raluca Ada Popa, Robert E. and Beverly A. Brooks Associate Professor at UC Berkeley and recipient of the 2021 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award. Natacha Crooks, Associate Professor at UC Berkeley, moderated the questions and answers session following the talk. Continue the discussion on ACM's Discourse Page.