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Making Management Strides in 2022

Kristine Gunn, director, Talent and Organization Management, TriNet, discusses the makeup of the current labor force and offers insights on how managers can connect with, motivate and more effectively manage their employees during this unprecedented year.

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Behind the Build - NAB's New Media Production Facility

Representatives from Angry Badger Productions, Barbizon Lighting Company, Magis Media and Videnum sit down with NAB's Emmy-winning producer and Vice President of Media Production Michael Khatcheressian to discuss the technology, equipment, capabilities and creation of NAB's new state-of-the-art media production facility.

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Child COVID-19 Vaccination Insights from HHS

Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) for the United States Department of Health and Human Services sits down with NAB Chief of Staff and Executive Vice President, Public Affairs Michelle Lehman to discuss the importance of the recent under five years old COVID-19 vaccination authorization milestone and vaccinating all children in general.

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Transforming Radio in the Audio Renaissance

Recorded LIVE at the 2022 NAB Show! Curtis LeGeyt, president and CEO, NAB, sits down with David Field, chairman, president and CEO, Audacy and Bob Pittman, co-founder, chairman and CEO, iHeartMedia, for a candid, wide-ranging, super-sized discussion of radio's ever-evolving place in the media landscape.

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FEMA Talks 2022 Hurricane and Wildfire Preparedness

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell sits down with NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt for a detailed discussion of how broadcasters can help the agency prepare, inform and serve local communities during this year's hurricane and wildfire seasons.

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Building Systems that Create Operational Efficiencies

Recorded LIVE at the 2022 NAB Show! It's no secret that radio station operators in small and medium markets need to be more creative and resourceful than ever before. Todd Kalman, senior vice president of Sales for Marketron, details how examining and updating a station's workflows can lead to more productivity, more advertising opportunities, cost savings and revenue growth.

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Unlocking the Future of Local OTT Advertising: And How to Monetize It

Recorded LIVE at the 2022 NAB Show! Shawn Makhijani, senior vice president of Business Development and Strategy, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming & Senior Vice President, NBC Spot On, discusses local OTT advertising opportunities happening right now.

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Next Level In-Vehicle Infotainment You Can Bet On

Research, sample messaging and suggested tactics to help local journalists craft vaccine education messages for their audiences.

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Act NOW to Bolster Your Cybersecurity

The federal government recently urged all businesses to improve domestic cybersecurity and bolster our national resilience in light of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

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Examining Radio's Digital Strategy in Local Markets

Bill Wilson, chief executive officer, Townsquare Media, joins Curtis LeGeyt, president and CEO, NAB, and shares insights on how creating and investing in digital verticals in markets 50+ is consistently paying dividends.

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MORE Education than Ever Before at NAB Show

Chris Brown, executive vice president and Managing Director, Global Connections and Events, NAB joins host Josh Miely to give a status report on the 2022 NAB Show.

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Meet NAB's New Vice President of Member Experience

The newest member of NAB, recently appointed Vice President of Member Experience Bradford Caldwell, sits down to discuss what his new position entails, what it's like to move from the NAB board to NAB staff, what's in store for NAB Show and why he is eager to serve you, his fellow broadcasters.

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