Wikidata:WikiProject Source MetaData/Theses and dissertations

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This page summarizes efforts to collect and structure data about theses and dissertations in Wikidata. The project is part of WikiCite.


The primary focus is on instances of doctoral thesis (Q187685) but related types of publications can also be relevant.

General theses and dissertations[edit]

Use of these classes should be avoided in favour of a more specific subclass.

  • thesis (Q1266946): document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree
  • dissertation (Q1385450): written document submitted in order to obtain an academic degree; e.g. doctoral thesis, habilitation, etc

Specific types of theses and dissertations[edit]


See Wikidata:WikiProject_Source_MetaData for general properties for bibliographic items. The following list of additional properties is preliminary with details to be discussed.


Example items[edit]

Data Sources[edit]
