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The day’s news made fast, fair and fun – in 10 minutes. Erica Mandy is like a trusted friend who always ‘gets’ both sides. She’s a veteran journalist who was tired of talking heads, alarmist headlines and monotone voices, so she created something different. The NewsWorthy is packed with politics, tech, business and entertainment from a variety of sources -- brought together in one, convenient place (and with a fun twist). Join the thousands of people already listening each weekday!
As the tone of public discourse becomes increasingly angry and divisive, Common Ground Committee offers a healing path to reaching agreement and moving forward. We talk with top leaders in public policy, finance, academe and more to encourage the seeking and finding of points of agreement, and to demonstrate how combating incivility can lead us forward.
What happens when software eats the world? Industry veterans Paul Ford and Rich Ziade chat with their friends about technology, design, and business from a distinctly East Coast point of view. Decades of experience inform their no-BS, quick-witted patter about what digital transformation really means. Created by Postlight, the digital product studio they co-founded in New York City
Each weekday, Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal and Kimberly Adams make today make sense. Along with our supersmart listeners, we break down happenings in tech, the economy and culture. Every Tuesday we bring on a guest to dive deeper into one important topic. Because none of us is as smart as all of us.
Stories of the human heart. A candid, unscripted conversation between two people about what's really important in life: love, loss, family, friendship. When the world seems out of hand, tune in to StoryCorps and be reminded of the things that matter most.
The Relentless is a podcast from CENTURY 21 Real Estate and Slate Studios that rethinks business, redefines success, and reimagines customer experiences. Season 3 looks at how entrepreneurs can overcome the assumptions and barriers that hold us back so we can move fearlessly in real estate, business, and beyond. Host Kristen Meinzer is back for more conversations with bold and passionate guests who succeed by finding strength and motivation in the face of obstacles. From athletes who break b ...
It’s no secret that business owners want to receive positive reviews and customers want to have a positive experience. In Behind the Review, Yelp and Entrepreneur dig a little deeper on both accounts. Hosted by Yelp’s Small Business Expert, Emily Washcovick, Behind the Review features conversations with reviewers and business owners about their experiences—whether it was one star or five stars—giving listeners behind-the-scenes insights into what was really going on. Restaurants, plumbers, f ...
Jim and Mark use the insane ramblings of a tiny-handed narcissist to explain logical fallacies. Each episode we focus on a single logical fallacy and, using examples from Trump, UK politics and pop culture, explore how and why it fools people, how to avoid committing it yourself, and how to counter it in an argument.
Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.
Movies! Music! Celebrities embarrassing themselves! KEEP IT has it all. Each week, Ira Madison III and Louis Virtel are joined by comedians, journalists, actors, musicians, activists, politicians and more to discuss the latest ways pop culture and entertainment are intersecting with politics and society. New episodes drop every Wednesday.
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