14 thoughts on “40 Kilometers”

  1. Love it, beautiful weaving in and out of “data”, as a art, and data driven by context, data as number, things that I am grappling – what is the meaning, and what are the bias’, in a data driven world can we have “numbers” that leave us happy in the moment.

    1. Thanks Ritu for your comment. I think we are going to eventually head to that point and see numbers start to make sense and get a sensibility.

  2. Wow what a beautiful post …actually a story ..would remember for years to come and i’m sure will refer back to this post for years to come … Once again thank you Om for an amazing post 🙂

  3. Irrespective of the amount of data available, mankind is going down the path of a massive cultural shift where computers are making predictions and by extension decisions, which humans and other machines are accepting. As Peter Norvig wrote a few years back, it is the ‘rise of the machines’. This will liberate humans from the mundane and will unleash an era of unbridled creativity because that is one thing machines are pretty useless at. If humans view machine intelligence as but another tool to help us then our creativity will remain unbounded. Sure, there is a dark side to machine intelligence but there is to many human engineered tools.

    Wrt the dryness (or lack of soul) of machine intelligence – you could equally ask, why do you want the predictions and decisions to have a soul? In fact, it can be argued that it is the last thing we want – let the intelligent machines be good at what they do and let humans be good at what they do (using the tool analogy). Also, once machine learning systems start becoming ubiquitous many startups will rise to the challenge of hiding the predictions behind fluid people-friendly interfaces.

    As for the time to cross the hilly roads exceeding the static estimate, this and other similar problems will begin to be addressed once realtime scalable machine learning appears. Today, machine learning systems are static in that they are as good as the last data model update. It will be a long journey in an innovation at an exponential rate sort of way.

  4. Maps are also history – on a country and global level, and on a personal one. What if we encouraged people to create maps of their lives, with stories and facts, photos and videos, impressions and reactions, that we could layer ‘person-map’ upon ‘person-map’ to create a richer understanding of each other and the world at large? A girl can dream…

  5. What is that creativity, you might ask? Creativity may emerge when we start to value the art of presence more than the science of productivity, especially when looking through this data driven lens. The current data science continuum is to describe-deduce-predict-optimize-prescribe, through which new number insights are communicated in the hope to make us more productive. However, when we move beyond this to having data-narratives or explorable-data-explanations shared with us and the meaning within them is extracted by us, then there is scope for the creativity within us to emerge.

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