
The Evolving Debate Over ARPA's State and Local Aid Program

President Biden's top advisor on the American Rescue Plan Act dismisses Republican claims that money from the law is being wasted. But he's also urging local government leaders to look for more ways to highlight their successes with the federal funding.

It’s Time for a New Development Strategy in Coal Country

COMMENTARY | The Ohio River Valley region of Appalachia has long been a political stumbling block in the national climate debate. But with the right resources, it can become a global leader of the new energy economy and a more sustainable future.

Unfair Property Taxes and What to Do About Them

In some places, the taxes fall unequally on lower-income and minority homeowners. But can they be redesigned without jeopardizing a major source of local government revenue?

States and Localities Plan for Billions in ARPA Workforce Spending

White House figures suggest over $40 billion from the pandemic relief law could go to workforce development, with a sizable chunk of investment through state and local programs.

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Eliminate Manual Processes Route and Approve Invoices from Anywhere

Today’s finance teams carry a heavy burden, supporting everything from growth strategies to long-term planning – all while continuously delivering monthly and quarterly numbers and keeping cash flowing. But even as demands on finance departments grow, many still spend excessive time using paper, spreadsheets, and e-mails to process vendor invoices, approvals, and payments.

How States and Localities Can Plan for the Growing Economic Uncertainty

COMMENTARY | Mixed signals are making it difficult for government finance officers to get a clear outlook for the future economy. Here's what they can do, says one county CFO.

Nearly Half of States Raised Their Minimum Wage This Year

The increases range from 22 cents to $1.50 per hour, but most states’ pay floors are not high enough to ensure economic stability, according to a new report.

One of the Nation's Biggest Cities Begins Cash Payments to Low-Income Residents

For the next year, Chicago plans to distribute $500 a month to thousands of households who can use the money as they see fit.

Energy-Producing States Lag in Latest Economic Numbers

Energy companies, short of workers, aren’t ready to increase production.

Covid Aid Program Gave 'Shuttered Venues' Funds They Didn't Ask For

Poor oversight riddled the emergency initiative, leading to $1.5 billion in questioned awards.

Localities Look To an Untapped 'Goldmine' of Potential Revenue

A new initiative focuses on how cities and counties can capitalize on underused public property, like parking lots and office space.

How Cities and Counties Are Thinking Big With Their ARPA Plans

Across the country, some local governments are using federal aid from the American Rescue Plan to launch "transformational" projects in areas like affordable housing, public safety and ridding homes of lead—things that will endure long after the money is spent.

This Federal Committee Is Watching Over Your Pandemic Funds Spending

The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee is on the lookout for fraud and other issues with trillions in federal Covid aid. But the watchdog is also assembling a wealth of data on programs the money is going to.

Housing Slump Would Place Greatest Stress on Black, Hispanic Residents

Many homeowners have counted on fast-rising home values and growing home equity.

Trump Wades Into One State's Budget Discussions

The former president says Pennsylvania's spending plan should be "tied" to controversial elections legislation.

$53.3 Million. 33 Jobs. No Plan. That’s How Mississippi Lawmakers Are Spending BP Oil Spill Money.

Business leaders hoped the state would use money from the 2010 oil spill to transform Mississippi’s coastal economy. Instead, lawmakers are using much of it to fill gaps in local government budgets and fund projects with few metrics for success.

Instead of Relief at the Pump, California Moves to Put Cash in Pockets

State leaders are opting for direct payments up to $1,050, rather than a gas tax suspension as they look to provide residents a break from skyrocketing prices.

How One State Used Its Giant Budget Surplus

Idaho this year had extra revenue that was equal to nearly half the amount of its general fund revenues, and that was on top of federal aid. Here's what lawmakers did with the money.

Biden's Push on Gas Tax Relief Will Likely Fall to States

His plan to suspend the federal tax to help ease high gas prices has low odds of passing Congress. The president says states are in a solid financial position to take action, but experts have doubts about whether gas tax holidays at any level are good policy.

Pandemic’s Impacts on How People Live and Work May Change City Centers for Decades

Barbershops, restaurants and other businesses that have long concentrated in traditional business districts may need to follow workers to suburbs or smaller cities to survive, new research shows.

For Taxpayer-funded Stadiums, the Renovation Boom Has Arrived

The bill is coming due for upgrades to pro sports venues built decades ago. It won’t be cheap.