
  • Last Updated : 23 Jul, 2018

Recent Puzzles!

Puzzles :

  1. Puzzle 1 | Measure 45 minutes using two identical wires
  2. Puzzle 2 | (Find ages of daughters)
  3. Puzzle 3 | (Calculate total distance travelled by bee)
  4. Puzzle 4 | (Pay an employee using a 7 units gold rod)
  5. Puzzle 5 | (Finding the poisoned wine)
  6. Puzzle 6 | (Monty Hall problem)
  7. Puzzle 7 | (3 Bulbs and 3 Switches)
  8. Puzzle 8 | (Find the Jar with contaminated pills)
  9. Puzzle 9 | (Find the fastest 3 horses)
  10. Puzzle 10 | (A Man with Medical Condition and 2 Pills)
  11. Puzzle 11 | (1000 Coins and 10 Bags)
  12. Puzzle 12 | (Maximize probability of White Ball)
  13. Puzzle 13 | (100 Prisoners with Red/Black Hats)
  14. Puzzle 14 | (Strategy for a 2 Player Coin Game)
  15. Puzzle 15 | (Camel and Banana Puzzle)
  16. Puzzle 16 | (100 Doors)
  17. Puzzle 17 | (Ratio of Boys and Girls in a Country where people want only boys)
  18. Puzzle 18 | (Torch and Bridge)
  19. Puzzle 19 | (Poison and Rat)
  20. Puzzle 20 | (5 Pirates and 100 Gold Coins)
  21. Puzzle 21 | (3 Ants and Triangle)
  22. Puzzle 22 | (Maximum Chocolates)
  23. Puzzle 23 | (Days of month using 2 dice)
  24. Puzzle 24 | (10 Coins Puzzle)
  25. Puzzle 25 | (Chessboard and dominos)
  26. Puzzle 26 | (Know Average Salary without Disclosing Individual Salaries)
  27. Puzzle 27 | (Hourglasses Puzzle)
  28. Puzzle 28 | (Newspaper Puzzle)
  29. Puzzle 29 | (Car Wheel Puzzle)
  30. Puzzle 30 | (Last Palindrome Date Before 10/02/2001)
  31. Puzzle 31 | (Minimum cut Puzzle)
  32. Puzzle 32| (Completion of Task)
  33. Puzzle 33 | ( Rs 500 Note Puzzle )
  34. Puzzle 34 | (Prisoner and Policeman Puzzle)
  35. Puzzle | Set 35 (2 Eggs and 100 Floors)
  36. Puzzle 36 | (Matchstick Puzzle)
  37. Puzzle 37 | (Maximum run in cricket)
  38. Puzzle 38 | (Tic Tac Toe Puzzle)
  39. Puzzle 39 | (100 coins puzzle)
  40. Puzzle 40 | (Find missing Row in Excel)
  41. Puzzle 41 | (Guess Color of Hat)
  42. Puzzle 42 | (Placing the numbers)
  43. Puzzle 43 | Muddy Heads
  44. Puzzle 44 | Girl or Boy

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C Puzzles :

  1. C Program to print numbers from 1 to N without using semicolon
  2. To find sum of two numbers without using any operator
  3. How will you show memory representation of C variables
  4. Condition To Print “HelloWord”
  5. Change/add only one character and print ‘*’ exactly 20 times
  6. How can we sum the digits of a given number in single statement
  7. What is the best way in C to convert a number to a string
  8. Calculate Log n in one line
  9. Print “Even” or “Odd” without using conditional statement
  10. How will you print numbers from 1 to 100 without using loop
  11. How can we sum the digits of a given number in single statement
  12. Write a C program to print “Geeks for Geeks” without using a semicolon
  13. Write a one line C function to round floating point numbers
  14. Implement Your Own sizeof
  15. How to count set bits in a floating point number in C
  16. How to change the output of printf() in main()
  17. How to find length of a string without string.h and loop in C
  18. Implement your own itoa()
  19. Write a C program that does not terminate when Ctrl+C is pressed
  20. How to measure time taken by a function in C
  21. Print a long int in C using putchar() only
  22. Convert a floating point number to string in C
  23. How to write a running C code without main()
  24. Write your own memcpy() and memmove()

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C++ Puzzles :

  1. Can we call an undeclared function in C++
  2. Can we access global variable if there is a local variable with same name
  3. Can we use function on left side of an expression in C and C++
  4. Can we access private data members of a class without using a member or a friend function
  5. How to make a C++ class whose objects can only be dynamically allocated
  6. How to print “GeeksforGeeks” with empty main() in C++
  7. Print 1 to 100 in C++, without loop and recursion
  8. How to restrict dynamic allocation of objects in C++
  9. How can we sum the digits of a given number in single statement
  10. Write a URL in a C++ program
  11. A creative C++ program to Zoom digits of an integer
  12. How to swap two variables in one line in C/C++, Python and Java
  13. C/C++ program to shutdown a system

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Quick Links :

  1. ‘Practice Problems’ on Puzzles

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