Machine Learning

  • Last Updated : 02 Jun, 2022

Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed. ML is one of the most exciting technologies that one would have ever come across. As it is evident from the name, it gives the computer that makes it more similar to humans: The ability to learn. Machine learning is actively being used today, perhaps in many more places than one would expect.

Machine Learning tutorial

Recent Articles on Machine Learning

Machine Learning is an essential skill for any aspiring data analyst and data scientist, and also for those who wish to transform a massive amount of raw data into trends and predictions. Learn this skill today with Machine Learning Foundation – Self Paced Course , designed and curated by industry experts having years of expertise in ML and industry-based projects.


Introduction :

Data and It’s Processing:

Supervised learning :

  1. Getting started with Classification
  2. Basic Concept of Classification
  3. Types of Regression Techniques
  4. Classification vs Regression
  5. ML | Types of Learning – Supervised Learning
  6. Multiclass classification using scikit-learn
  7. Python | Implementation of Polynomial Regression
  8. Softmax Regression using TensorFlow
  9. Naive Bayes Classifiers

Unsupervised learning :

Reinforcement Learning:

Dimensionality Reduction :

Natural Language Processing :

Neural Networks :

ML – Deployment :

ML – Applications :

Misc :

GeeksforGeeks Courses

Machine Learning Foundation

Machines are learning, so why do you wish to get left behind? Strengthen your ML and AI foundations today and become future ready. This self-paced course will help you learn advanced concepts like- Regression, Classification, Data Dimensionality and much more. Also included- Projects that will help you get hands-on experience. So wait no more, and strengthen your Machine Learning Foundations.

Data Science Live Course

Every organisation now relies on data before making any important decisions regarding their future. So, it is safe to say that Data is really the king now. So why do you want to get left behind? This LIVE course will introduce the learner to advanced concepts like: Linear Regression, Naive Bayes & KNN, Numpy, Pandas, Matlab & much more. You will also get to work on real-life projects through the course. So wait no more, Become a Data Science Expert now.

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