Jerusalem Post Aliyah Portal

The Jerusalem Post, Israel's largest English-speaking media outlet, is launching an aliyah portal, to bring you all the resources you need to prepare for a move to Israel - and to be successful when you get to Israel. Enjoy the inspiration!

LOWER GALILEE view from Tzipori.

Israel to give olim moving to the Negev, Galilee grant package

The grant package is being allocated to incentivize healthcare professionals and engineers to live in Israel’s periphery.


Vegan rabbi from NY on plant-based choices, changing the world

Since 2020, he’s been known as the Vegan Rabbi, teaching and guiding people from secular to modern-Orthodox backgrounds through social media, videos, webinars and online courses.

Israel to offer special benefits for Maccabiah athletes that decide to make aliyah

Among the benefits offered to them is assistance with scholarships for university studies and a special 150-hour course for learning professional Hebrew.


Rock of Israel: Ethiopians fly home to the Jewish state

Surviving war, famine and the pandemic, Ethiopians make aliyah and come to Israel.

On This Day: 75 years since Exodus 1947 took 4,500 European Jews to Israel

More than 60 ships attempted to take illegal Jewish immigrants to Mandatory Palestine during Aliyah Bet with mixed results. But Exodus 1947 was the largest,


Doctor makes aliyah ends up in Israel's 'medical wilderness'

As the only Western-trained family doctor in town, Alan Levine – though he had previously sought a challenge – found his environment akin to “a medical wilderness.”


On This Day: Israel passes Law of Return to grant entry to all Jews, 72 years ago

The Law of Return remains controversial in Israel among those on the Right, who think it lets non-halachic Jews make aliyah, and on the Left, who note a double standard for Arabs and Palestinians.


Operation Tzur Israel: 150 Ethiopian immigrants arrive in Israel

Molokan: "This is a very great privilege. We have been waiting for many years to make aliyah and do not believe that this is happening. The first place I would like to see is Jerusalem." 


Will the Likud downgrade the slot for olim in the upcoming primaries?

Candidates for the oleh slot in the Likud are Michael Lobovikov who made aliyah from Russia and David Sadon who made aliyah from France.


How a fateful stroll convinced this rabbi to make aliyah

Gold has been an integral part of the scene in Israel so for many years that it is hard to believe that for decades prior to aliyah, he enjoyed a flourishing rabbinic career building communities.

This oleh reenacts pilgrimage walking from Ra'anana to Jerusalem

“I was able to use my cancer challenge to enhance my physical and mental fitness and also, I hope, to help others to appreciate the power of walking and the beauty of Eretz Yisrael.”

Inter Aliyah sports club keeps Israel's immigrants in the game

The cleverly named club combines Sam Sank’s Britain-bred passion for soccer with his Zionist-bred passion for helping other émigrés find a permanent place in Israeli society.


Jewish nomad woman

LILIANA KLEINER, 69, Buenos Aires to Haifa, 1964, Sunshine Coast, BC (Canada) to Jerusalem, 2010


Israel’s Falash Mura aliyah from Ethiopia: A painful 30-year saga

How did the Falash Mura immigration become a painful and protracted saga despite multiple Israeli governments’ pledges since 1992 to resolve it?


Over 25,000 olim in 'Immigrants Come Home' operation arrived in Israel

"Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, there has been a broad national and governmental effort to rescue and absorb new immigrants," said the Aliyah and Integration Ministry.

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