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Day and Night World Map

The map shows day and night on Earth and the positions of the Sun (subsolar point) and the Moon (sublunar point) right now.

Map showing day and night parts of the world

UTC time = Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 18:44:00.

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March equinox | June solstice | September equinox | December solstice

Sun symbol = The Sun's position directly overhead (zenith) in relation to an observer.

Moon symbol = The Moon's position at its zenith in relation to an observer (Moon phase is not shown).

= Civil Twilight (lightest shade)

= Nautical Twilight

= Astronomical Twilight

= Night, no twilight (darkest shade)

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Position of the Sun: Subsolar Point

On Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 18:44:00 UTC the Sun is at its zenith at Latitude: 20° 44' North, Longitude: 99° 24' West

The ground speed is currently 433.94 meters/second, 1562.2 kilometres/hour, 970.7 miles/hour or 843.5 nautical miles/hour (knots). The table below shows position of the the Sun compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude DifferenceLatitude DifferenceTotal
1 minute0° 15' 00.0"16.18 miWest0° 00' 00.5"0.01 miSouth16.18 mi
1 hour14° 59' 57.7"970.34 miWest0° 00' 27.7"0.53 miSouth970.37 mi
24 hours0° 00' 51.3"0.92 miEast0° 11' 15.8"12.91 miSouth12.95 mi

Position of the Moon: Sublunar Point

On Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 18:44:00 UTC the Moon is at its zenith at Latitude: 4° 17' North, Longitude: 158° 33' East

The ground speed is currently 448.89 meters/second, 1616.0 kilometres/hour, 1004.1 miles/hour or 872.6 nautical miles/hour (knots). The table below shows position of the the Moon compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude DifferenceLatitude DifferenceTotal
1 minute0° 14' 33.3"16.73 miWest0° 00' 14.5"0.28 miNorth16.74 mi
1 hour14° 33' 19.7"1003.99 miWest0° 14' 33.8"16.68 miNorth1003.97 mi
24 hours10° 37' 20.9"732.71 miEast5° 37' 16.3"386.28 miNorth824.88 mi

Locations With the Sun Near Its Zenith

The following table shows 10 locations with Sun near zenith position in the sky.

LocationLocal TimeDistanceDirection
Pachuca *Tue 1:44 pm97 km61 miles53 nmSoutheast SE
Querétaro *Tue 1:44 pm105 km65 miles57 nmWest W
Tizayuca *Tue 1:44 pm109 km68 miles59 nmSouth-southeast SSE
Ecatepec *Tue 1:44 pm135 km84 miles73 nmSouth-southeast SSE
Texcoco *Tue 1:44 pm147 km91 miles79 nmSouth-southeast SSE
Mexico City *Tue 1:44 pm148 km92 miles80 nmSouth S
Cuernavaca *Tue 1:44 pm202 km125 miles109 nmSouth S
Morelia *Tue 1:44 pm219 km136 miles118 nmWest-southwest WSW
Vicente Guerrero *Tue 1:44 pm221 km137 miles119 nmSoutheast SE
San Luis Potosi *Tue 1:44 pm226 km140 miles122 nmNorthwest NW

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