
IBM Garage™ is an end-to-end model for accelerating digital transformation. It helps you generate innovative ideas and equips you with the experts, practices and technologies to rapidly turn those ideas into business value.

When you work with IBM Garage, you bring customer pain points into focus. You empower your team to take manageable risks. You adopt leading technologies, speed up product development and measure the value of everything you do.

IBM Garage in action

The Climate Service + IBM Garage: Weathering Disruption to Deliver Results

The Climate Service + IBM Garage: Weathering Disruption to Deliver Results (03:15)

The IBM Garage experience


A square shape moving into a vortex

A proven approach

IBM Garage charts your transformation journey with an iterative framework that guides you from ideation, to build, to scale.

Co-create defines your vision. Co-execute proves the value of your vision. Co-operate scales your solution and your team's capabilities.


Honeycomb surrounded by a circle

Practices that accelerate

The IBM Garage Methodology guides how you work by bringing together an open, seamless set of practices with a human-centric, outcome-first approach. By applying design thinking, agile development and DevOps tools and techniques, you'll learn new skills and master new ways of working.


Rectangular boxes on a background of dots

Technology with a purpose

IBM Garage opens the door to IBM and partner technologies, and helps ensure your solution has the right architecture to build security-rich, resilient and scalable infrastructure and applications. IBM Garage is fluent in hybrid cloud and AI, with deep expertise in application modernization, data science, automation, security, blockchain, IoT, edge computing and more.


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Speed to value

IBM Garage equips you with exclusive solution accelerators. Beyond our methodology, these include reference architectures, code pattern and design libraries, our value orchestration framework, innovations from IBM Research, and rigorous insight into emerging technologies and industry trends. This enables you to benefit from best practices and maximize speed to value.


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Enterprise scale

The difference between innovation and transformation is scale. IBM Garage solutions are designed to handle enterprise-grade workloads, thrive in multicloud environments and protect against increasingly complex external threats.

IBM Garage also advances workforce modernization, helping you scale new ways of working throughout your organization and grow the skills of your team.


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Multidisciplinary expertise

Your IBM Garage team is populated with designers, architects, developers, data scientists, business strategists and industry thought leaders. Working with IBM Garage means you have flexible access to the experts you need, anywhere you need them.


Two hands holding connected lines with circles

We work with you — not for you

IBM Garage is not conventional consulting. It is a collaborative exchange of ideas, knowledge, experimentation and support. As a true partner, IBM Garage is dedicated to making sure that your business is more robust and your team is more capable, just for having worked with us.

Forrester Total Economic Impact study

IBM Garage clients experience 10 times more innovative ideas, 67% faster speed to outcomes, and 102% ROI.¹

Client stories

People of the Garage

Jason Calalang

Jason Calalang, Full-stack Developer, Philippines

Jason Calalang, Full-stack Developer

"In the Garage, we apply test driven development that gives us the confidence to make improvements in our code base while keeping it clean, simple and consistent. Pair programming also helps us work closely with our client's developers to not only co-create and brainstorm ideas in writing code but to share our practices as well."

David Cleveland

David Cleveland, UX Designer, IBM Garage

David Cleveland, UX Designer

"With IBM Garage, the user's pain points are brought to the forefront and together, IBM Garage and the customer solve those pain points."

Andrew Ferrier

Andrew Ferrier, Architect and IBM Cloud Satellite Lead, IBM Garage

Andrew Ferrier, Cloud Architect

"One of the things that excites me most about architecture in the Garage is how practical it is. We focus on real, practical solutions to real-world problems."

Amber Howe

Amber Howe, Design Lead, IBM Garage

Amber Howe, Design Lead

"When you can't see the wood for the trees, our approach reveals the true nature of an opportunity and unveils a vision to get you there."

Cathy Reese

Cathy Reese, Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning Leader, IBM Garage

Cathy Reese, Advanced Analytics & ML Leader

"The IBM Garage is the right delivery model for our clients. It really does allow us to show up with the best and brightest talent to help our clients innovate and transform."

Mathew Wendell

Mathew Wendell

Mathew Wendell, IBM Garage for Sustainability Leader

"Sustainability is an active conversation among executives and built into their business strategies. With the IBM Garage, we're able to explore and build solutions that embed sustainability at the heart of your innovation agenda. My focus is to help you do well for your business, and do good for the planet."


Expert perspectives

Debbie Vavangas: Inside IBM Garage

IBM Garage is the framework by which we work with our clients to put innovation at the heart of their enterprise to drive transformation, and through that, realize value fast.

Dr. Mohamed El-Refai: So, What is IBM Garage?!

IBM Garage is a collection of practices to bring all of IBM together in helping a client realize business value.

Rachel Reinitz: The soul of a start-up

How IBM Garage was born and how it's grown — a brief Garage history.

Learn more

IBM Garage Essentials course

Learn more about IBM Garage methodology, practices, assets and platforms, and earn your first IBM Garage badge.

IBM Garage Practitioner course

Become a credentialed member of an IBM Garage squad by learning the full set of IBM Garage practices in this course.

IBM Cloud Architecture Center

Get solution-based reference architectures, executable code for popular functions, and technical tutorials.

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¹ “The Total Economic Impact Of IBM Garage”, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, October 2020