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The Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A) is an online Human Resources (HR) system maximizing Soldier talent through integrated personnel and pay data in a single system for all Army Components for the first time ever. IPPS-A will improve the lives of Soldiers, and their Families, and how leaders interact with them by transforming our industrial age personnel systems to 21st century human capital management providing three essential capabilities to the Army:

  • Total Force Visibility
  • Talent and Data
  • Auditability

IPPS-A will deliver visibility over the entire force and maximize the potential of the Army’s greatest asset, the Soldier, to enhance Army Readiness. It will improve access, timeliness and will provide auditability of personnel and pay information for the Total Army – integrating more than 30 current systems; eliminating more than 300 interfaces; ensuring secure, consistent processes and data; and meeting required standards. Fielding will continue through 2020.

The IPPS-A app is available for download at the TRADOC Application Gateway (TAG)

The human resources personnel at Draper, Utah, surrounding armories get trained on the new Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army system processes, Feb. 2, 2020. IPPS-A boasts a 98 percent accuracy rate on more than 26 different pay transactions (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Nichole Bonham)
What Is IPPS-A, and Why You Should Care
By Sgt. 1st Class Nichole Bonham | March 12, 2020
Have you ever experienced a pay problem in the military because something didn’t get updated correctly? Or maybe you’ve turned in a document to your unit and it’s still not in your records? Did you know that the Army...

The SafeUTNG app is now available in the Android and Apple app store, free to download.
In Safe Hands
By Sgt. Nathaniel Free | Jan. 10, 2020
A new suicide prevention and awareness app went live Dec. 6, 2019, designed to support Utah National Guard service members and families in crisis.The SafeUTNG app is free to download from the Android and Apple app stores,...