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Logo of conference Hydra 2022

Hydra 2022

Concurrent and distributed computing conference

June 2–3Online

June 26Online + offline

The event was over


Hydra is a tech conference that gathers top-rated scientists and developers willing to dive deep into concurrent and distributed computing. Hydra 2022 will held on June 2-3.

Computing nowadays is inherently concurrent and distributed. Be it a mainstream multi-core machine, a computing cluster, or a large-scale distributed service, a modern computing system involves multiple processes that concurrently perform independent computations and communicate to synchronize their activities. Understanding concurrent and distributed computations is therefore essential to be competitive in practice or research in computer science and engineering.


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Subscribe to our emails (in Russian), and you will receive conference updates, special offers, and other cool things. We send them no more than twice a week, no bullshit.

Conference features

  • The content selected by the experts

    The content is included in the program only after it has been checked by the program committee, which has experts with wide experience in parallel and distributed systems development.

  • TechTalks

    Lots of technical content with a little bit of non-technical content. Our conferences help to find your way in the industry: you will know trends, tools, approaches, global updates of the languages and platforms.

  • Change of scene

    Offline is back! This is a chance to change the scene, listen to live talks, chat with your colleagues and just enjoy your time.

  • Discussions

    You may chat with speakers and experts right after the talk. Both online and offline.


    Our support team will reply to you very soon and will not leave you alone.

  • 4K

    So that you can see each character of the code in the IDE.


We would not be able to hold Hydra on a regular basis without the tremendous support of our partners. Our conference is growing and evolving thanks to their efforts.

If you want to become a partner of our conference, please contact us via email — [email protected].

  • Gold partners

    • Querify Labs
  • Information partners

    • IT-World
    • DeusOps
    • Skolkovo
    • IT Meeting - митапы и конференции по разработке
    • Московский клуб программистов