Ethics and privacy play a critical role in building trust


      By 2030, we will fully automate our data control processes, making it easier for our customers to control their personal data.

    • By 2030, 100% of our employees will demonstrate their commitment to our values

    • By 2030, 100% of the partners we do business with will demonstrate their commitment to our values

    • Upholding the highest standards of integrity

    • Igniting employees' passion for integrity

      Our leaders engage in open dialogue about our values and our My Ethics app allows employees to access policies, training, and easily speak up, when they need it most. Our digital advisor tools enable employees to safely examine the potential consequences of business decisions.

    • Expecting the best from our partners

      We hold our partners and other third parties to the same high standards that we set for ourselves, as outlined in our Dell Technologies Code of Conduct for Partners. With industry experts, we help our partners develop their own ethics and compliance programs.

    • Championing customers' privacy choices

      We’re making it easier for customers to manage their private information by fully automating our data control processes, in accordance with our 2030 Moonshot Goals.

    • Upholding Ethics & Privacy resources

    • Our FY22 ESG Report

      In our annual ESG report, we demonstrate how we’re creating a positive impact on people and the planet for 2030 and beyond.

    • ETHICS

      Dell Technologies Code of Conduct

      Our employee Code of Conduct is the global how-to guide for doing business at Dell Technologies and helps employees make connections between our policies and values.

    • ETHICS

      Dell Technologies Partner Code of Conduct

      Our Partner Code of Conduct sets clear expectations of high ethical standards and business practices from our partners.


      The Privacy Digital Trust Center

      We respect our customers’ right to control and make decisions about their personal data preferences.

    • Explore more

    • Privacy Digital Trust Center

      We respect our customers’ right to control and make decisions about their personal data preferences. 

    • Getting to Net Zero: It Takes an Entire Company

      Page Motes, Head of Corporate Sustainability, shares how measurable actions and talented, innovative people will help Dell achieve net zero emissions by 2050.