The only interesting thing Keir Starmer ever said

Remember, most people pay very little attention to politics, writes John Rentoul

Saturday 18 June 2022 21:30
<p>Starmer has passed the test, but because this is not yet widely known, it lies like an unexploded mine on the Conservatives’ road to the next election</p>

Starmer has passed the test, but because this is not yet widely known, it lies like an unexploded mine on the Conservatives’ road to the next election

One of the tests I have been applying during recent speculation about the field of candidates vying to replace Boris Johnson as prime minister is whether any of them has ever said anything memorable.

Liz Truss, for example, once said something about cheese being a disgrace. Penny Mordaunt had a bet to see how many times she could get a rude word into a Commons speech – though I recall that, in her favour, she also gave an answer from the despatch box in sign language. Ben Wallace was once close to tears while talking about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

But on the Conservative side, Rishi Sunak is the only one who really passes the test, having said in October 2020: “The overwhelming might of the British state will be placed at your service.�?

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