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Inspector General (NGB-IG)
Mission: To provide the Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB), as directed, with assessment of the economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, relevance and readiness of the National Guard through an agenda of assistance, investigations and inspections in order to support the defense of our homeland and the Global War on Terrorism.

Vision: Serving as the eyes, ears and conscience of the NGB Command Group, members of the NGB-IG office will do their part to ensure that the 21st century National Guard is the best trained and ready Reserve military force in the world.


National Guard Personnel Working/Assigned at State Level (T32) Please Note: Each State/Territory is authorized a Command IG from the Active Component that reports directly to The Adjutant General (TAG) of their State and the Chief, National Guard Bureau.

The link below provides contact information for the Inspector General's office for each state, territory and District of Columbia. Inspector General's Office Roster (Sept. 05, 2017)


National Guard Personnel Working/Assigned at NGB (T10) If you are assigned to NGB or you have already spoken to the State IG about this matter and need further assistance at the National Level please contact NGB-IG below: