Senate Armed Services releases full $847 billion defense bill

Senate Armed Services releases full $847 billion defense bill
Senate Armed Services releases full $847 billion defense bill

The bill, which boosts defense spending by $45 billion over the president’s request, now heads to the Senate floor.

Hey OMB: Cut a two-year budget deal now, while you have the chance

Hey OMB: Cut a two-year budget deal now, while you have the chance
Hey OMB: Cut a two-year budget deal now, while you have the chance

If the Biden administration wants to ensure America’s security while protecting non-defense spending, it needs to start working on a budget deal before November’s election, says John Ferrari of AEI.

Congress must deliver an NDAA that meets the world as it is: Rep. Wittman

Congress must deliver an NDAA that meets the world as it is: Rep. Wittman
Congress must deliver an NDAA that meets the world as it is: Rep. Wittman

“Russia is watching us. China is watching us. Our allies are watching us — and they all want to see how seriously America is taking security in this destabilized world,” writes Rep. Rob Wittman in a new op-ed.

The last thing the Navy needs is another congressional panel

The last thing the Navy needs is another congressional panel
The last thing the Navy needs is another congressional panel

Responding to sharp criticism of his former service — in print in a Breaking Defense op-ed and implied in new legislation — retired Adm. James Foggo says the Navy needs support, not more onerous oversight.

Lawmakers push for directed energy weapons, suggest collaboration with Israel

Lawmakers push for directed energy weapons, suggest collaboration with Israel
Lawmakers push for directed energy weapons, suggest collaboration with Israel

HASC “believes that directed energy technology has matured to the point where it may be successfully deployed against current rocket, artillery, mortar, and cruise missile threats,” read one NDAA amendment.

House lawmakers ask Army: Who’s in charge of massive modernization program?

House lawmakers ask Army: Who’s in charge of massive modernization program?
House lawmakers ask Army: Who’s in charge of massive modernization program?

After a directive confused some lawmakers, a provision in the NDAA threatens to nullify a potential shake-up of the Army’s acquisition bureaucracy if representatives don’t receive additional information about who’s doing what.

House authorizers pass $839B defense budget, adding money for ships, aircraft, Ukraine

House authorizers pass $839B defense budget, adding money for ships, aircraft, Ukraine
House authorizers pass $839B defense budget, adding money for ships, aircraft, Ukraine

During a marathon markup session that started on Wednesday, the House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment that would add $37 billion to the defense topline.

HASC won’t force the Air Force to hold a bridge tanker competition… this year

HASC won’t force the Air Force to hold a bridge tanker competition… this year
HASC won’t force the Air Force to hold a bridge tanker competition… this year

Although lawmakers repeatedly said their position wasn’t meant to favor a particular company, in some respects the debate was held over parochial lines, as some of the most outspoken had interests in their districts.

House appropriators advance $762 billion defense spending bill

House appropriators advance $762 billion defense spending bill
House appropriators advance $762 billion defense spending bill

Bill provides billions more than in FY22, buying F-35s, tanks and eight new ships, but is well below what other lawmakers appear to have in mind.

In NDAA, HASC orders unclassified Pentagon strategy for satellite protection

In NDAA, HASC orders unclassified Pentagon strategy for satellite protection
In NDAA, HASC orders unclassified Pentagon strategy for satellite protection

The House Armed Services Committee would require Space Force to establish specific requirements for satellite protection prior to starting any major new acquisition program. 

HAC-D scolds Space Force on lack of ‘realistic budgets’

HAC-D scolds Space Force on lack of ‘realistic budgets’
HAC-D scolds Space Force on lack of ‘realistic budgets’

“The Space Force’s ambitious plans for new architectures, programs, and mission areas, do not appear to be backed up with credible budget projections in the outyears to actually deliver these capabilities,” House defense appropriators chide in report language accompanying their FY23 spending bill.

HASC chairman’s NDAA mark focuses on munitions, R&D

HASC chairman’s NDAA mark focuses on munitions, R&D
HASC chairman’s NDAA mark focuses on munitions, R&D

Staffers briefing reporters ahead of the release emphasized a focus on the health of the munitions industrial base.

SASC wants $45B jump to defense budget topline for inflation, Ukraine assistance

SASC wants $45B jump to defense budget topline for inflation, Ukraine assistance
SASC wants $45B jump to defense budget topline for inflation, Ukraine assistance

The Senate Armed Services Committee’s proposed topline figure would increase the already-historic Pentagon spending plan proposed by the Biden administration.

Army CIO: FY23 is ‘year of inflection’ for digital transformation

Army CIO: FY23 is ‘year of inflection’ for digital transformation
Army CIO: FY23 is ‘year of inflection’ for digital transformation

“It’s very, very tempting to continue to spend money on technologies that are 10 years old because we’ve gotten comfortable with them,” Army CIO Raj Iyer said. “That’s not what’s going to help us fight and win…for the Army of 2030.”