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Redistricting in the Courts

Fair redistricting is central to our democracy. The Brennan Center tracks and analyzes ongoing litigation about redistricting.


When congres­sional and legis­lat­ive maps are redrawn each decade, they often are manip­u­lated  to discrim­in­ate against communit­ies of color or for partisan gain. Courts, both state and federal, play an import­ant role in keep­ing these prac­tices in check. Unfor­tu­nately, in June 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal courts may not police partisan gerry­man­der­ing, leav­ing that issue to state courts or the polit­ical process.

The Bren­nan Center tracks and analyzes ongo­ing redis­trict­ing cases pending in the courts.

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