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Active Restore: Can we Recover Faster? Much Faster?

Acronis corporate blog Data recovery *Backup *Development for Windows *UEFI *
Backing up valuable data is a proven practice, but what if we need to continue work immediately after a natural disaster or other disruptive events, and every minute is important? Our team at Acronis decided to see how quickly we can start an operating system. This is our first post from the Active Restore series. Today I will tell you how we launched our project with Innopolis University, which solutions were studied, and what we are working on today. All the details are under the Cut.

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How Honda Experiments with Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

Honda, a Japanese car manufacturer has demonstrated outstanding results in their recent project intended to reduce the weight of the crankshaft and increase its fuel efficiency. In order to carry out such a redesign in an effective and timely-fashioned manner, the company collaborated with Autodesk and applied its software solutions, as well as various 3D-printing technologies.
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Android 11: What to Expect From the Latest Android Update?

Development for Android *Mobile applications design *Software
Source: Google Images

The latest Android 10 update has already created a stir in the Android circuit. However, tech enthusiasts around the world are waiting for the latest addition in Android's operating system.

Yes, you heard it right, I am talking about the Android 11 update, the latest upgrade in the Android’s operating system.

The update has been expected to hit the floors in the official reveal of Android 11 in mid-2020, at Google IO 2020 which will run May 12-14, before being released for Pixel devices in the month of September, and then it will be rolled out for other Android devices from late 2020 through well into 2021.
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How does strange code hide errors? TensorFlow.NET Analysis

PVS-Studio corporate blog Open source *.NET *C# *Machine learning *

PVS-Studio and TensorFlow.NET

Static analysis is an extremely useful tool for any developer, as it helps to find in time not only errors, but also suspicious and strange code fragments that may cause bewilderment of programmers who will have to work with it in the future. This idea will be demonstrated by the analysis of the TensorFlow.NET open C# project, developed for working with the popular TensorFlow machine learning library.
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No-code: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Website development *
No-code movement is a new approach to website and app development. It doesn't require technical knowledge. Does no-code movement have something in common with old image boards, guest books and creation of MySpace or Facebook? Yes, it does. And here is why.

No-code is a reflection of social tendencies made in technologies. To understand it, we need to discover the history from the beginning of the World Wide Web.
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Starting My Collection of Bugs Found in Copy Functions

PVS-Studio corporate blog C++ *C *


I've already noticed a few times before that programmers seem to tend to make mistakes in simple copy functions. Writing a profound article on this topic is going to take quite a while since I'll have to do some thorough research and sample collecting, but for now I'd like to share a couple of examples I stumbled upon recently.
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How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes, or C++ Job Interviews at PVS-Studio

PVS-Studio corporate blog C++ *IT career

Job Interviews at PVS-Studio

Authors: Andrey Karpov, khandeliants Phillip Khandeliants.
Here's an interesting story about how one of the questions we ask at job interviews turned out to reach even deeper than intended by its author. You've always got to watch your step with C++ and C++ compilers – there's never a risk of getting bored.
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WAL in PostgreSQL: 3. Checkpoint

Postgres Professional corporate blog PostgreSQL *SQL *
We already got acquainted with the structure of the buffer cache — one of the main objects of the shared memory — and concluded that to recover after failure when all the RAM contents get lost, the write-ahead log (WAL) must be maintained.

The problem yet unaddressed, where we left off last time, is that we are unaware of where to start playing back WAL records during the recovery. To begin from the beginning, as the King from Lewis Caroll's Alice advised, is not an option: it is impossible to keep all the WAL records from the server start — this is potentially both a huge memory size and equally huge duration of the recovery. We need such a point that is gradually moving forward and that we can start the recovery at (and safely remove all the previous WAL records, accordingly). And this is the checkpoint, to be discussed below.


What features must the checkpoint have? We must be sure that all the WAL records starting with the checkpoint will be applied to the pages flushed to disk. If it were not the case, during recovery, we could read from disk a version of the page that is too old, apply the WAL record to it and by doing so, irreversibly hurt the data.
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The Silverfish Programming Language

Abnormal programming *Learning languages

They say, each professional developer must have done at least three pet projects: a sophisticated logging utility, a smart json parser, and an amazing programming language. Once we have both logger and parser accomplished, we finally decided to reveal our desperate success in creation one of the most innovative programming languages named Silverfish.

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Checking the Code of Zephyr Operating System

PVS-Studio corporate blog Open source *C++ *C *Programming microcontrollers *

PVS-Studio and Zephyr

Some time ago we announced PVS-Studio's new feature that enabled it to integrate into PlatformIO. Naturally, our team kept in touch with the PlatformIO team while working on that feature, and they suggested that we check the real-time operating system Zephyr to see if we could find any interesting bugs in its code. We thought it was a good idea, and so here's this article about the check results.
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This is how you deal with route leaks

Qrator Labs corporate blog Information Security *Network technologies *
That, we must say, is the unique story so far.

Here’s the beginning: for approximately an hour, starting at 19:28 UTC on April 1, 2020, the largest Russian ISP — Rostelecom (AS12389) — was announcing prefixes belonging to prominent internet players: Akamai, Cloudflare, Hetzner, Digital Ocean, Amazon AWS, and other famous names.

Before the issue was resolved, paths between the largest cloud networks were somewhat disrupted — the Internet blinked. The route leak was distributed quite well through Rascom (AS20764), then Cogent (AS174) and in a couple of minutes through Level3 (AS3356) to the world. The issue suddenly became bad enough that it saturated the route decision-making process for a few Tier-1 ISPs.

It looked like this:


With that:

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Everything you always wanted to know about human memory (but were afraid to ask)

ITMO University corporate blog GTD *Lifehacks for geeks Brain Health
Having a good memory is advantageous, even as people stay home amidst the pandemic. Our memories help us maintain an intellectual connection to the world, and keep us from mentally deteriorating.

Today, we’re launching a new series of articles on memory enhancement, starting with a short overview of how our memory works and the basic training you can undergo to improve it.

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COVID-19 and Internet

Web analytics *Cloud services *Statistics in IT Cellular communication

СOVID-19 and Internet

Recent events caused by coronavirus spread have highlighted quite a few problem areas in society, economics, technology… And it’s not only about the panic, which is inevitable and will come back with any following global issue. But it is really about the consequences: crowded hospitals, empty shelves in supermarkets, people having to stay at home and use up the Internet which turns out to not be enough for everyone who’s going through the hard days and nights of #stayathome.

What already happened

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Juggling work and study at ITMO University: CS edition

ITMO University corporate blog Programming *Studying in IT IT career Sound
We talked to the graduates of the Speech Information Systems MA program at ITMO about the ways our university helped jumpstart their careers. [More stories from our startups]:

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SQL Server & Concurrency Control


What is a Transaction?

The standard definition of Transaction state that “Every Query batch that runs in a SQL server is a Transaction.”, this means any query you run on a SQL server will be considered as a Transaction it could either be a simple SELECT query or any UPDATE or ALTER query.

If you run a query without mentioning the BEGIN TRAN keyword then it would be considered as an Implicit transition.

If you run a query which starts with BEGIN TRAN and ends with COMMIT or ROLLBACK then it would be considered as Explicit Transaction.

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Lessons learned from working remotely for 3 years or how to save your bacon and sanity

Personnel Management *

You must find out your work-life balance because without that you will burn out. It happens because work is like gas. If you don't control it then work fill all available time little by little. I.e. I used to work 11 hours per day from home. Hopefully, I understood that it had been a bad idea. Let me share some pieces of advice:

  1. Find out a work-life balance.
  2. Do exercises.
  3. Eat healthy food.
  4. Create a schedule & follow it.
  5. Improve microclimate at home.
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How to develop and publish a smart-contract in the Telegram Open Network (TON)

Decentralized networks *Cryptography *Finance in IT Cryptocurrencies

What is this article about?

In this article, I will tell about my participation in the first (out of two so far) Telegram blockchain contest. I didn't win any prize. However, decided to combine and share the unique experience I have had from the start to finish line, so my observations could help anyone who is interested.

Since I didn't want to write some abstract code, instead make something useful. I created instant lottery smart-contract and website which shows smart-contract data directly from Telegram Open Network (TON) avoiding any middle storage layers.

The article will be particularly useful for those, who want to write their first smart-contract for TON but don't know where to start.

Using the lottery as an example, I will go from setting up the environment to publishing a smart contract, interacting with it. Moreover, I will create a website that will show smart-contract data.

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Esoteric programming languages: a systematic approach

ITMO University corporate blog Programming *
A surprising number of programming languages were created to accomplish unusual tasks that have nothing to do with programming. These are commonly called esoteric. Today, we’re going to paint a general overview of the esolang landscape, and try to figure out why people are continuing to create them.

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