Hacky CSS Selectors

With CSS, for years now, I thought that we could only use an element once as a selector to increase the overall specificity. e.g. .my-class to div .my-class. However, I learnt very recently that we can repeat selectors more than once and it adds to the specificity value, as each is matched individually (it made sense when I … Continue reading Hacky CSS Selectors

What I’ve learnt from (ten) years of contributions to BuddyPress

By yours truly, from an Automattic company meet-up in 2014. Then-titled "What I've learnt so far in about 5 years of contributions to BuddyPress": 1) Sometimes you have to believe that something is a good idea for a long time before other people do. If the idea has your passion, keep believing and sell the … Continue reading What I’ve learnt from (ten) years of contributions to BuddyPress

DrupalCon Baltimore 2017: Bending Behat’s Benefits

Steve Persch at DrupalCon Baltimore 2017: "Bending Behat's Benefits" Behat is a tool for having better conversations with your team about expectations for the software being built. By it's nature, Behat separates the expectations (the steps written in feature files) from the implementation details (the PHP files that define the steps). This separation of concerns … Continue reading DrupalCon Baltimore 2017: Bending Behat’s Benefits