Did our politicians not see Israeli forces attacking Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral?

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Sunday 15 May 2022 13:24
<p>What if Muslims or Christians attacked the funeral procession of a slain Israeli journalist? </p>

What if Muslims or Christians attacked the funeral procession of a slain Israeli journalist?

The scenes of Israeli forces attacking the coffin of Shireen Abu Akleh were reprehensible, horrible and beyond human comprehension. Didn’t Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Theresa May, Priti Patel, Keir Starmer, Dominic Raab et al see this?

David Ben Gurion once said: “The old will die and the young will forget.” Looking at protests against the demolition of homes and properties, expulsion of Palestinians from their lands and homes, murderous assaults on cities, towns and villages and looting of Arab properties; resistance activities are being carried out by young teenagers as young as 10 and 15 years old.

Now let us imagine this scenario: what if Muslims or Christians attacked the funeral procession of a slain Israeli journalist? How would the US, France, Germany and the UK have reacted? We are appalled and disturbed by these scenes, we wait for an impartial investigation of this incident – this is not enough.

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