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Evening Standard smashes through NFT art frontier

Today, ES Magazine makes history as the first UK publication to print an NFT, which is a groundbreaking piece of moving digital artwork. Nancy Durrant reports on the creative industry’s brave new (and expensive) world


Kai-Isaiah Jamal on how they created their groundbreaking NFT with ES

Acclaimed for both their boundary-pushing photo shoots and trans-activism, south London model and poet Kai-Isaiah Jamal tells Olive Pometsey how they teamed up with a pair of visual masterminds and musician James Lavelle to create an ethereal fashion dreamscape


ES Magazine NFT: see the artwork here

As ES Magazine is the first UK fashion publication to release an NFT, here’s preview of the artwork on offer - and an explainer of just what an NFT is


Cara Delevingne has created a very NSFW NFT about her vagina

The model-slash-actress has released digital spoken word artwork to remind people ‘what a beautiful thing their bodies are’


NFT: The latest digital investment boom explained

We look at how artists are selling digital assets, including memes and GIFs.