Serving police officer charged with sexual assault while on duty

PC Liam Porter has since been suspended

Matt Mathers
Monday 04 July 2022 13:11
<p>PC Liam Porter has been suspended from duty following the alleged sexual assault </p>

PC Liam Porter has been suspended from duty following the alleged sexual assault

A serving police officer has been charged with sexual assault following an incident in Hampshire earlier this year.

Hampshire Constabulary PC Liam Porter, 40, is alleged to have carried out the assault while on duty in Clanfield on 18 January.

He will appear before Basingstoke Magistrates Court on Tuesday 12 July.

PC Porter has been suspended from duty.

The conduct of police officers and their forces has come under increased scrutiny of late following the death of Sarah Everard.

The 33-year-old marketing executive was kidnapped, raped and murdered by serving Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens, who has been jailed for life.

The case sparked national outrage and calls for more action on violence against women.

A number of forces have also been rocked by revelations of misogyny, racism and claims of homophobia since the death of Ms Everard.

Last week, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) announced that it had placed the Met under special measures following a spate of recent scandals.

The force will be placed under increased scrutiny as part of a monitoring process instigated by HMIC “to help it make improvements”.

The full report detailing the reasons behind the rare step was not published, but a letter from inspector of constabulary Matt Parr to acting commissioner Sir Stephen House reportedly cited “several examples of high profile incidents” that raised concerns about performance and damaged public trust.

The letter directly mentions the murder of Sarah Everard, the inquiry into the unsolved murder of private detective Daniel Morgan and the stop and search of Black Olympic athlete Bianca Williams.

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