‘Usability’ Videos

  • Stefano Minoia: Towards universal design through accessibility, usability and inclusion

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Stefano Minoia

    June 21, 2020 — Every website should ideally be built so that whoever visits it, for whichever possible reason, is able to navigate through it: we can describe this idea as Universal Design.
    Obviously, in practice, it’s impossible to build the perfect website for everyone, but, if we want to take steps towards this ideal, three concepts can guide our choices: accessibility, usability and inclusion. In this talk, Stefano will explore these concepts, discussing what they are, what makes them different from one another (despite their overlappings) and how we can use them together to build the best possible experience for most of our users.

  • Dorcas Réamonn: WWWtW? = What’s Wrong With this Website

    WordCamp Vienna 2020Speaker: Dorcas Réamonn

    April 19, 2020 — Is your website not performing as well as you want? Are visitors coming to your website and leaving straight away? Do you want more conversions on your website?
    This session will cover tools and tips to help you, and will concentrate on Usability and Usability Testing, while touching on some Accessibility and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). You’ll learn that a lot of UX (User Experience) is related to common-sense. Thinking about UX is about making your website easy and straightforward to use, and as a side effect keeps search engines like Google happy!
    Attendees are invited to submit their website in advance for negative feedback. This means – we’re not looking for what is right about your website, but what is wrong, or what should be improved. A range of websites will be selected, to make this relevant for a wide audience. You don’t need to be a website expert to be able to give feedback on a website. Often, the best person to tell you what’s wrong with your website is a stranger, who is visiting your website for the first time. Luckily, the room will be full of people like this, so have your phones and laptops charged – we’ll be using the existing expertise of the room to help give live feedback on websites!
    This interactive and fast-paced talk is aimed at website owners, and WordPress beginners, not professional website developers or designers, who hopefully know this stuff already!

  • Janine Videva: Usability and User Experience of Immersive Web VR Platforms

    WordCamp Zurich 2019Speaker: Janine Videva

    September 19, 2019 — VR is starting to approach the mainstream audience especially through the use of web VR, therefore becoming a new tool for communication. As a result, it becomes imperative to research usability and user experience of web VR platforms, even though standards and guidelines on the topic are still missing. This session will present my research on the topic, highlighting the importance of usability and user experience in new technologies.

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  • Sutham Thammawong: Design Research : Usability of WordPress

    WordCamp Bangkok 2019Speaker: Sutham Thammawong

    July 12, 2019 — มีความน่าสนใจว่า WordPress ไม่ว่าจะเวอร์ชั่นไหนก็แล้วแต่ เคยสงสัยไหมว่า ผู้ใช้งานให้ความสำคัญกับเรื่องไหน, ใช้เวลาในการทำงาน, ความเข้าใจหรือ learning curve ในการใช้งานเป็นอย่างไรบ้าง ลองออกแบบการ Research ผู้ใช้งานฉบับย่อให้ดูว่าได้อะไรน่าสนใจมาบ้าง

  • Piccia Neri: Colour on the web – colour theory, usability and accessibility

    WordCamp Brighton 2018Speaker: Piccia Neri

    March 27, 2019 — Colour is an essential design element. When we design for the web, we’re sometimes conditioned in our colour choices by the colour palette of the brand we’re building the site for. However, usability and accessibility must be the first consideration in our choice of colours and their application. This talk gives practical guidance on how to approach and use colour in your web designs, with a few touch points on colour psychology and theory.

  • Tori Pugh: The Importance of Typography: Design, Usability, Cost and Loading Times

    WordCamp Philadelphia 2018Speaker: Tori Pugh

    December 5, 2018 — The most important points of modern typography boil down to Design, Usability/Accessibility, Cost, and Loading Times. The choice between finding a harmonious balance of serifs, sans, or both shouldn’t be difficult with the vast amount of options. They can be purchased, subscribed, or free. There is something to fit every budget and design decision. Usability is a combination of selected font and size. The size is most important when it comes to the responsive nature of a site. Understanding the probably reading distances of each device helps in judging these choices. This is a big problem. People don’t understand the actual cost of good type, and may feel cheated or overwhelmed.

    Good type makes a difference and is worth the investment. If this is not in your budget there are many other options to consider, not forgetting that type can become apart of a good brand and for full brand consistency might look good on a site. A good website loads in a reasonable amount of time, less than 3 seconds. When choosing web fonts, the choices you make can cause some significant load time issues. Sometimes these issue might be okay, sometimes not. Here are some things to keep in mind when making a decision, will it stop the page from loading completely, do you mind having unstyled text for a moment, adding unecessary outside calls (if using a google fonts or Typekit like service.

  • Susan Walker: Web Content as Usability

    WordCamp US 2017Speaker: Susan Walker

    December 12, 2017 — This talk describes how the exercise worked, presents some of the more interesting findings and explains how the 30 Questions exercise can be adapted and applied to any type of website.

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  • Kristin Kinnamon: Usability Schmoozabillity – 5 Tips to Make Your Website Work for Customers

    WordCamp Seattle 2016Speaker: Kristin Kinnamon

    August 7, 2017 — User-centered design isn’t just the latest trend – it’s a natural extension of good customer service. By focusing on basic usability principles, you are more likely to make your customers (visitors, users) happy, and to meet your business, client, or personal goals.

    Get simple tips on user research, creating good content, and UX standards that don’t change. User-centered design can help answer arguments and avoid tangents in the development process, and results in a better product.

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  • Radka Nacheva: Usability Issues

    Varna WordPress MeetupSpeaker: Radka Nacheva

    March 2, 2017 — Radka Nacheva is an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Varna. She presents a session about how important usability is, what good design principles mean for the masses, how we should also consider interaction design and much more.

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  • Aleksandar Savkovic: Is your product easy to use and why it isn’t

    WordCamp Gdynia 2016Speaker: Aleksandar Savkovic

    October 6, 2016 — How hard and costly can be transition from old to new product with mostly the same but improved features and how to make it as much as possible painless and overcome the users habits.

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