
13 10 2020 Datao

Datao is a tech company that offers cost-efficient services in Data Science, Data Management, Business Intelligence, and Software Engineering. During the creation of this brand the main focus was the analytic approach as an important phase of the overall process of data science.   We have created a face look-a-like icon emphasizing only the eyes as the most remarkable features of the face. Despite being easily distinguishable...

Rreth industrisë shqiptare të reklamimit

15 08 2021 Rreth industrisë shqiptare të reklamimit

Detaje të reja në shesh.

Shoqëria e parë publicitare në një qytet shqiptar ishte në Vlorë. Kjo shoqëri në vitin 1914 ishte themeluar nga Roma në Itali me qëllim të organizimit të reklamave për gazetën ditore Përlindje e Shqipniës që botohej në kryeqytetin provizor të atëhershëm të Shqipërisë.1 Reklamat në mediumet e shtypura shqiptare ishin...

Cultural Spaces of Kosovo

29 01 2020 Cultural Spaces of Kosovo

New logo for a new network

There is a new network of cultural spaces in Kosovo. We have designed their logo and identity.

ProCredit Bank Dy rruge e nje pune

31 01 2020 ProCredit Bank Dy rruge e nje pune

The ad was directed by Ilir Hasanaj, commisioned by Trembelat for ProCredit Bank Kosovo. The creative concept is from Trembelat.

Karl Gega

07 04 2017 Karl Gega

Is a new brand that is developed by our company. As it is an alcoholic drink, branding it with the name of Karl Gega, came as our aim was to present something unique on the market, where all local alcoholic drinks tend to relate their branding with warriors and political figures. Karl Gega, was the designer of the Semmering Railway from Gloggnitz to Mürzzuschlag. During his time, he was the most prominent of Austrian railway engineers and...

Dizajnera e tipografë, bashkohuni!

20 06 2017 Dizajnera e tipografë, bashkohuni!

Yll Rugova

Régis Debray në një artikull të tij botuar në The New Left Review me titullin "Socialism and Print" (nuk është e përkthyer në shqip) flet se si ideologjia jo vetëm që është e dizajnuar, por madje e dizajnuar grafikisht. Sipas tij, tipografët, punonjësit e shtypshkronjave dhe bibliotekarët janë njerëzit kryesorë që e kanë nxitur...

Image of Albanian and Albania in New York Times at the time of declaring indepedence

28 04 2017 Image of Albanian and Albania in New York Times at the time of declaring indepedence

Bardh Rugova

Everything related to the visual part of the book is created by our company. 

Krenare Rugova

07 04 2017 Krenare Rugova

Designed in Capital Font, this logo is all in letters, representing the name of the fashion designer herself. When it comes to fashion designers, best logo proposal would be something that represents their name, work and creativity, and this is exactly what we thought to transmit when we came up with this logo. As a satisfied client, she is now working with us on designing her brand completely, including identity, webpage and more


07 04 2017 Goodjobber

Is a company based in Swiss, that tries to link employees and employers together. The idea behind the curved line below bb is to leave costumers understand that being part of this platform will make you happy, as it is expected for clients to find their best job at this platform.


10 01 2018 #ecokosovo

#ecokosovo is an online advocacy campaign, and photo competition in order to raise awareness on environment and health issues in Kosovo. It was organized by UNDP, UNV in partnership with WHO and UN Kosovo Team (UNKT). Trembelat created the logo, identity, brand design, website, animation, as well maintained the social media networks and publications. Trembelat also developed a costumized Online Voting System for the jury of the photo...


07 04 2017 Instakosova

“#InstaKosovo competition is based and runs across the major social media platforms, inviting everyone to post and hashtag pictures that reflect on Kosovo, its culture and the people.”

Prishtina Insight

28 04 2017 Prishtina Insight

A great magazine published in English twice a month.

We developed the overall design, as well as 27 editions of this magazine. It has influenced the overall look of the entire Ballkan Insight platform for Balkans. Our team has worked on the typograph, infographics, illustrations making this a propes editorial design project.

MM Magazine

28 04 2017 MM Magazine

MM Magazine, debate about social issues, politics, culture and literature. We designed several editions using the grid for from the Guttenberg first books.

Kosovo in UNESCO

07 04 2017 Kosovo in UNESCO

Kosovo in Unesco started as campaign, during the time Kosovo was lobbying for membership in UNESCO. Though this campaign aimed to raise awareness among local politicians on the importance of Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO, it had a wider impact too. Our company designed their campaign starting from scratch, and including, logo, book, webpage, written and tv media advertising.

The Headhunter

07 04 2017 The Headhunter

Is an organization that focuses on providing transparent and consistent information and interactive communication, between groups of interest and media community to enhance understanding of the business. Regarding the design, our company designed their logo, while being careful to respect previous guidelines, since it was explicitly requested from this client. To this day, we still cooperate on web-design, branding and more.

RTC Consulting

07 04 2017 RTC Consulting

Is a management consulting company that aims to provide high quality consulting services in market research, management training and quality control. It is in our internal policies, to make everything look beautiful and easily recognized by people, thus even though this client came to us requesting web-development, being satisfied by our web and logo design proposals, they started this cooperation. The logo presented here is designed by our...