Saudi Green
Initiative targets

Leading climate action with ambitious targets

Just as the Kingdom underpinned energy markets during the oil and gas era, it is working to lead the way to a more sustainable world.

The Kingdom has more than 60 environmental and clean energy initiatives in the pipeline to reach three targets under the Saudi Green Initiative, delivering against its aspirations to create a greener future.

Saudi Green Initiative Targets

Reducing Emissions

Reduce carbon emissions by 278 mtpa by 2030

Greening Saudi

Plant 10 billion trees across Saudi Arabia

Protecting land and sea

Raise protected areas to more than 30% of total terrestrial and marine area

Beyond the targets

The Kingdom is pursuing additional initiatives that indirectly contribute to SGI targets and wider goals as part of its all-of-society approach to climate action. Wide-reaching sustainable practices, investment in R&D, and environmental awareness will be critical to achieving national transformation goals.

Initiatives with significant indirect contribution to the Saudi Green Initiative targets

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