Saudi Green Initiative and Middle East Green Initiative Launch Events

A New Era of Climate Action

23-25 October 2021

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Green Initiative Forum
Saudi Green Initiative Forum

Confronting climate change, the greatest challenge of our generation

2021 has shaped up to be a landmark year for climate action, but much more needs to be done. The Earth’s warming is the existential threat of our time, and the clock is ticking. We recognize that Saudi Arabia’s role in the global economy and energy supply means we have a responsibility to act quickly. We also believe a wealth of opportunity to unite and advance efforts remains dormant. It is our ambition to unlock this potential to protect the planet at scale and at speed.

To this end, we launched the Saudi Green Initiative and Middle East Green Initiative to champion climate action and chart a path for protecting the planet within and beyond the Kingdom’s borders.

At the three-day launch of these dual climate initiatives, world-renowned policymakers, scientists, and activists will come together to usher in a new era for international cooperation and amplify the impact of existing climate action efforts.

A trio of events will kick off a new era of climate action

Saudi Green

Unveiling the Saudi Green Initiative’s roadmap to scale renewable energy capacity, reduce emissions, green the Kingdom and more

23.Oct. 2021


Youth Green

Bringing together environmental leaders to shape the future of climate action and drive forward environmental stewardship

24.Oct. 2021


Middle East

Convening regional leadership to cement green commitments and seize opportunities for collective action

25.Oct. 2021


“We reject the false choice between preserving the economy and protecting the environment. Climate action will enhance competitiveness, spark innovation, and create millions of high-quality jobs. Young people, both in the Kingdom and the world, are demanding a cleaner, greener and more inclusive future, and we owe it to them to deliver on this.”

His Royal Highness
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud

Event highlights


In-person & live-streamed events

State-of-the-art venues

Drawing experts from across disciplines, the trio of climate-focused events will provoke deep discussions, accelerate collaboration, and drive action to address some of the most difficult challenges facing our planet.

Learn more about
Saudi Green Initiative

Learn more about the Middle
East Green Initiative

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