World History

Does history really repeat itself, or can we learn from the mistakes of those who came before us? History provides a chronological, statistical, and cultural record of the events, people, and movements that have made an impact on humankind and the world at large throughout the ages.
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Featured content, July 05, 2022

(Buzz Aldrin) stands next to the U.S. flag at Tranquility Base on the Moon during NASA's Apollo 11 mission, July 20, 1969. Aldrin's forward-leaning stance was the normal resting position of an astronaut wearing the life-support pack.
Moon Landing: Just the Facts
What you need to know about the 1969 U.S. Moon landing.
Companion / World History
Leopard. Leopard (Panthera pardus) male leopard on a termite mound in Sabi Sand nature reserve, South Africa. panther, mammal, large cat, animal
6 Real-Life Man-Eating Animals
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
#WTFact / World History
Chinese Opium den, 19th Century
Timeline of the First Opium War
Read more about what happened during the First Opium War.
List / World History
Amendments 1-10 to the Constitution of the United States constitute what is known as the Bill of Rights on an American flag.
What Is the Emoluments Clause?
How a single line of the U.S. Constitution guards against improper foreign influence on federal officeholders.
Demystified / World History
Hagia Sophia: mosaic
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived for a thousand years after the western half had crumbled...
Encyclopedia / World History
combatant in the Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution, (1910–20), a long and bloody struggle among several factions in constantly shifting alliances which resulted...
Encyclopedia / World History
Seven Years' War: Battle of Zorndorf
Seven Years’ War
Seven Years’ War, (1756–63), the last major conflict before the French Revolution to involve all the great powers of Europe....
Encyclopedia / World History
Thirty Years' War
Thirty Years’ War
Thirty Years’ War, (1618–48), in European history, a series of wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including...
Encyclopedia / World History

World History Quizzes

Soil cohesiveness demonstrated in bootprint of Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11. footprint; foot print; moon
Space Exploration
From man-made satellites to the first woman in space, take flight in this quiz about astronauts and space exploration.
Quiz / World History
54th Massachusetts Regiment. "Storming Fort Wagner," by Kurz & Allison, c. 1890. Depicts the assault on the S.C. fort on 7/18/1863. American Civil War, 54th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry, 1st all African-American regiment, black soldiers, black history
American Civil War Quiz
Fractured by ideology and economy, this war sought to unify a divided nation. From famous battles to infamous generals, test...
Quiz / World History
Betsy Ross Flag
The American Revolution
Spurred by Great Britain’s taxation without fair representation, this political uprising led to the formation of the United...
Quiz / World History
The original copy of the constitution of the United States; housed in the National Archives, Washington, D.C.
American History and Politics Quiz
Who drafted the U.S. Declaration of Independence? Who wrote the American national anthem? From the Constitution to the chambers...
Quiz / World History
Titanic. Illustration of the "Unsinkable" Titanic sinking after striking an iceberg while crossing the Atlantic Ocean on its maiden voyage, April 15, 1912. 1,500 people died, 705 people survived. famous ships
Titanic Quiz
You may have seen the blockbuster Hollywood movie, but how much about the Titanic do you really know? Learn more...
Quiz / World History
7:012-13 Gandhi, Mahatma: The Salt March, Gandhi in jail writing; portrait of Gandhi; Gandhi's followers
Gandhi and Indian History
What method of protest did Mohandas Gandhi advocate? Who was the first Sikh to serve as India’s prime minister? Learn more...
Quiz / World History
Taj Mahal, India
Passage to India
Who was the founder of Jainism? Who was the last Mughal emperor? From Madhya Pradesh to Mohandas Gandhi, test your knowledge...
Quiz / World History
Overlooking the Roman Forum with Temple of Saturn in Rome, Italy
The Roman Empire
In what year did the Roman Empire come to an end? How many hills was Rome built on? From Julius Caesar to the city-state’s...
Quiz / World History
Concorde. Front end of one of the 20 Concorde supersonic airplanes. A joint British French production they flew for 30 years (1973-2003).
Navigating the Sky
In what year was the first balloon launched? In which state was the first sustained manned flight achieved? Test the heights...
Quiz / World History
Close-up profile view of American aviator Amelia Earhart sitting in the cockpit of a helicopter. Earhart wears a bomber jacket and flight goggles on her head.
Early Aviation
What was the name of Charles Lindbergh’s Atlantic-crossing airplane? Who was the first pilot to fly solo from Hawaii to California?...
Quiz / World History
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World History
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World History Subcategories

Chile earthquake of 2010 Accidents & Disasters
Nature isn’t always peaceful and idyllic. Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and other powerful natural phenomena can have devastating consequences on communities and regions throughout the world. But nature is far from the only instigator of large-scale misfortune; human-made disasters and tragedies, both accidental and intentional, can cause significant misery, damage, and loss of life.
Louis XVI: execution by guillotine Age of Revolutions
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
The ancient Middle East. The Ancient World
The modern world may look very different from the world that existed in the time of ancient civilizations, but our modern-day life continues to show the influence of cultures, traditions, ideas, and innovations from hundreds of years ago. Learn more about important historical civilizations, sites, people, and events.
Livy Historians
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branches of the Medici family Historic Dynasties & Families
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subcategory placeholder Historic Nobility
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
David Livingstone. Global Exploration
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
Clement VII The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages comprise the period in European history that began with the collapse of Roman civilization in the 5th century CE and lasted until the dawn of the Renaissance in the 13th, 14th, or 15th century. This interval of time saw the development of the Gothic style of art and architecture, flying buttresses and all. It was also the era of the Crusades and of papal monarchy, and it was during this period that the idea of Europe as a distinct cultural unit emerged.
Kemal Atatürk Military Leaders
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
Kindertransport The Modern World
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
Mississippian culture: Ocmulgee National Monument Prehistoric Age
The prehistoric age covers the millions of years that took place before human beings began to create written records of their life and of the world in which they lived. Archaeology and similar fields of study allow us to fill in the gaps and piece together an image of what life was like for our ancestors, including what kinds of flora and fauna they might have encountered.
Pearl Harbor attack United States History
As with most nations, the history of the United States contains a number of twists and turns throughout the centuries, from the time of the English colonization of North America up to the modern-day America that we're familiar with. Learn more about the people, events, and movements that left an indelible mark in history and shaped the development of the United States as a nation.
World War I Wars, Battles & Armed Conflicts
Wars, battles, and other domestic or international conflicts, whether armed or diplomatic, are often the outcome of a dispute over natural resources or a struggle for power, influence, and wealth. Major conflicts between nations, peoples, and political groups can end up shifting the cultural and political geography of the world and can also effect change, whether intentional or not, in societal values and the balance of power.