Noose was found in black driver Bubba Wallace’s garage, Nascar says

Investigation comes as fans attended first race without Confederate flags

Gino Spocchia
Monday 22 June 2020 18:55
Veterans group ad slams Trump's support of military bases named after Confederate generals

Nascar has said that a noose was found at the track-side stand used by Bubba Wallace, the sport’s single top circuit black American driver.

An investigation has been launched into the noose, found in the driver’s garage stall at the Talladega circuit in Alabama, the organisation said.

Mr Wallace had successfully pushed Nascar bosses to ban Confederate flags at circuits almost two weeks ago, amid nationwide anti-racism demonstrations sparked by George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody on 25 May.

In a statement, Nascar said it was “angry and outraged” about the noose, and that there was “no place for racism in Nascar”.

“We have launched an immediate investigation, and will do everything we can to identify the person(s) responsible and eliminate them from the sport,” the association added.

On Twitter, Mr Wallace said the “the despicable act of racism and hatred leaves me incredibly saddened and serves as a painful reminder of how much further we have to go as a society and how persistent we must be in the fight against racism”.

“As my mother told me today, ‘They are just trying to scare you’,” he wrote. “This will not break me, I will not give in nor will I back down. I will continue to proudly stand for what I believe in.”

NBA star LeBron James later tweeted his support to the black Nascar driver, and called the noose “sickening”.

“Know you don’t stand alone! I’m right here with you as well as every other athlete,” he wrote. “I just want to continue to say how proud I am of you for continuing to take a stand for change here in America and sports!”

Whilst rain later postponed Sunday’s Nascar race, the association said that the noose was discovered as some 5,000 spectators returned to the Talladega circuit in Alabama this weekend, where Confederate merchandise was sold alongside Trump 2020 banners and American flags.

In comments made to CNN, Nascar added that the noose was located in a restricted zone where essential personnel have access. That includes race teams, Nascar officials, security and health and safety.

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