Where is Nicola Sturgeon? The first minister’s absence raises questions about Scottish independence

What a difference a year makes. Twelve months ago, the Scottish National Party was riding high, writes Mary Dejevsky

Thursday 29 July 2021 21:30
<p>There have been rumours Nicola Sturgeon might leave Scottish politics altogether</p>

There have been rumours Nicola Sturgeon might leave Scottish politics altogether

It stands to reason that to be “newsworthy”, something has to happen. But there are times when something not happening may be at least as significant – if not more so.

I offer you the current nigh-invisibility of Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, and the near-silence of those advocating Scottish independence. What a difference a year makes. Twelve months ago, the Scottish National Party was riding high. The result of the EU referendum was still fuelling calls for independence, given extra force by Boris Johnson having “got Brexit done”. If Scotland wanted a future in the EU, it would have to leave the UK.

This, in turn, lent additional import to the 2021 Scottish parliamentary elections. This time last year, Sturgeon was already eyeing an overall SNP majority as a mandate for a new independence referendum. That Johnson took a dim view of such a referendum only made the cause more attractive to rebellious Scots.

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