Free Software Foundation Europe

Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.

Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt, and share software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press, and privacy. Learn more...

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Router illustration, two people with books, person giving a Right to Repair presentation.

Sustainability podcast +++ Job opportunity +++ Partial Router Freedom in Greece

05 July 2022

In this issue we share an uplifting podcast episode on the progress of the Upcycling Android campaign. We have a work position in the FSFE staff. Greece is about to secure Router Freedom except for fiber connections. Community news comes from Aarhus, Barcelona, Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Zurich, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Translators, and Women.  

a phone socket and a router show where the NTP can be set

Greece about to secure Router Freedom but leaves fiber out

28 June 2022

Greece is one step closer to securing Router Freedom, but regulators are excluding fiber (FTTH) connections from the legislation. A coalition of organisations, allies of the FSFE, is now requesting that lawmakers reconsider this and thus safeguard the freedom of all users.  

SFP#15: All about Upcycling Android

17 June 2022

In November 2021 the FSFE has launched the new campaign "Upcycling Android". If you haven't already upcycled your phone or you are curious to learn more about the campaign listen to our new Software Freedom Podcast episode with the campaigns manager Erik Albers. 

Our Community Get active...

The "Public Money - Public Code" campaign, as well as the "REUSE Initiative" made me notice that the FSFE is an organization which supports the same ideals that I do. I want to help them do more great things, and so now I am proud FSFE supporter.

Greg Kroah-Hartman (Linux Kernel Developer)

I hope that more and more people will understand the importance of being ethical in their digital life and thus consciously use Free Software and that we will have more and more volunteers from all over Europe.

Amandine “Cryptie” (Privacy Specialist)

I support the FSFE because it's totally worth it. Its community is strong and very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, so contributing to its mission is a good way to help the Free Software movement.

Vincent Lequertier (PhD candidate Artificial Intelligence)

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13 July 2022

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

20 July 2022

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

11 August 2022

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

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