


CLUSTER - Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research - is a consortium of 12 elite European Universities in Science and Engineering with associate members from around the world.

CLUSTER represents a Multi-location European University of Science and Technology with about 3.000 professors, 11.000 academic staff, 14.000 PhD students, with a total of more than 140.000 students.

KU Leuven presidency 2022-2024

Starting the 1st of July, KU Leuven officially takes on the presidency of the CLUSTER network. Jos Vander Sloten, vice dean for international affairs at KU Leuven’s Faculty of Engineering […]


SEEEP PhD Summer School 2022 Hybrid School on Energy Transition: Resilient Energy Systems 15-26 August 2022

        The yearly 2–week Energy PhD school organized by KTH Stockholm and TU Eindhoven will take placebetween 15 and 26 August 2022. The theme of the PhD […]


CLUSTER General Assembly 2022

The first 2022 Steering Committee and annual General Assembly of CLUSTER was held virtually at Grenoble INP-UGA from 2nd to 3rd of March. Since the previous SC, the WG groups […]


CLUSTER Statement: Position regarding the conflict in Europe

Given that: CLUSTER network acknowledges the role of universities as a vehicle for peace and resilience, and cherishes a climate of open collaboration and cooperation as well as solidarity; CLUSTER […]


CLUSTER General Assembly 2022 and Online Conferences

The General Assembly and the first 2022 Steering Committee of CLUSTER will be held in online format by Grenoble INP-UGA from 2nd to 3rd of March. Grenoble INP-UGA will organize […]


CLUSTER Steering Committee II 2021 at UCLouvain

The second 2021 Steering Committee of CLUSTER was held in hybrid format at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Louvain-la-Neuve from 29th to 30th of October. Finally CLUSTER representatives and […]


The Global Future Skills Project

What is the Global Future Skills Project? The Global Future Skills Project is seeking for contributions of your visionary and Future Skills-based higher education programs, courses and teaching & learning […]


SEEEP PhD Summer School 2021 16th-27th August

        The yearly 2-week Energy PhD school organized by KTH Stockholm and TU Eindhoven will take place between 16 and 27 August. The theme of the PhD […]


Applications open for 2021 Summer School EPFL ETHZ

We are happy to announce that applications for the EPFL-ETHZ Summer School 2021 “Designing for Resiliency: RE:GENERATE alpine-urban circularity” are now open! We developed a timely, pandemic-resilient hybrid outdoor format of nudging social transformative action, which […]


CLUSTER General Assembly 2021 virtual at KTH

The first 2021 Steering Committee (SC) together with the annual General Assembly of CLUSTER was held virtually at KTH, Stockholm from 18th to 19th of March. Since the previous SC, […]
