FOSS4G 2023 to take place in Prizren, Kosovo

📌 FOSS4G 2023 to take place in Prizren, Kosovo 📌

🎉 We are thrilled to announce that the 2023 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference (FOSS4G) will be hosted by FLOSSK in Prizren, Kosovo.

FOSS4G ( is the annual event organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) since 2006 and one of the largest global meetings on geospatial software of the year.

FLOSSK is a Kosovo NGO promoting FLOSS since 2009.

Set in the foothills of the Sharr Mountains, Prizren was once a capital city, being a large cultural and trading center. The town has always been one of Kosovo’s most beautiful cities, with unique roads, churches, mosques, and lots of old houses, which now serve for visual storytelling on the city’s history and tradition.

Local team looks forward to living up to Kosovo’s renowned hospitality.🎇🎇

How to Run the Place with GIS

Call for Participants for “How to Run the Place with Geographic Information Systems” workshop! 🎉
This training will show you how to use free geospatial software to solve problems and provide support with data in a variety of industries and organizations.

The course will take novice users through the theory and application of data creation, editing, and deployment as well as a variety of tools for mapping features that are relevant to fields such as geology, land use planning, architecture, utilities, and environmental science.

đŸ’» The training is free to anybody interested in GIS with a learner’s mindset and a willingness to freely share what you learn with others.

📆 Training will be held at Prishtina Hackerspace during four all-day workshops (from 10:00 – 16:00) on June 9-12 2022, and will cover topics like:

➖Creating maps, blueprints, and engineering documents;
➖Visualizing data with webmaps and incorporating live data;
➖Processing data Model elevation and terrain in 3D;
➖How to find continuing education resources.

⚫ Andrew Middleton, the facilitator of the training, is a Transportation Consultant at Fehr & Peers living in Oakland California, USA. He has a BS in Environmental Conservation from the University of New Hampshire and has over 9 years of GIS experience, having worked in environmental planning, utilities, and environmental remediation. He self-published an atlas for scuba divers in Monterey California, writes for the podcast Measure for Measure, and teaches GIS at the GIS Education Center for BayGeo in San Francisco. More information about his projects and experience can be found at

The call for participants will be open until  đŸ—“ïž June 3rd, 2022.

Interested participants can apply by filling out this form âžĄïž

This activity is part of the USTEAM for Prishtina project, financed by the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo and implemented by FLOSSK.

This training will be held only in English*
Bring your own laptop**

Bazat e zhvillimit me Flutter | trajnim

Thirrje pĂ«r regjistrim nĂ« trajnimin “Bazat e zhvillimit me Flutter”

Thirrje pĂ«r regjistrim nĂ« trajnimin “Bazat e zhvillimit me Flutter” 📣

Flutter ofron njĂ« zgjidhje tĂ« shpejtĂ« dhe relativisht tĂ« lehtĂ« pĂ«r t’u mĂ«suar pĂ«r krijimin e aplikacioneve mobile ‘cross-plaftorm’ (aplikacione tĂ« cilat krijohen vetĂ«m njĂ« herĂ« dhe ekzekutohen nĂ« disa pajisje tĂ« ndryshme) pĂ«r Android dhe iOS – mirĂ«po tash sĂ« fundmi edhe pĂ«r Web dhe Desktop. ËshtĂ« e shpejtĂ«, lehtĂ« e rritshme, e fuqishme dhe me njĂ« komunitet nĂ« rritje shumĂ« tĂ« shpejtĂ« tĂ« zhvillueseve. Duke pasĂ« parasysh kĂ«rkesĂ«n nĂ« ditĂ«t e sotme per aplikacione mobile tani Ă«shtĂ« koha mĂ« e mirĂ« pĂ«r tĂ« filluar tĂ« mĂ«soni teknologjinĂ« mĂ« nĂ« trend tĂ« viteve tĂ« fundit pĂ«r krijimin e tyre.

⚫ Me pĂ«rfundimin e kĂ«tij trajnimi do tĂ« krijoni njĂ« ide tĂ« mirĂ« tĂ« funksionimit tĂ« koncepteve bazĂ« tĂ« Flutter dhe tĂ« zhvillimit tĂ« aplikacioneve mobile si: Bazat e Flutter & Dart, Flutter widgets (elementet vizuale), rĂ«nditjet dhe ndryshueshmĂ«ria e elementeve vizuale, puna me emulatore dhe pĂ«rdorimi i funksionaliteteve bazĂ« tĂ« paisjeve mobile si lokacioni, kamera, etj. Trajnimi Ă«shtĂ« i pĂ«rshtatshĂ«m pĂ«r kĂ«do qĂ« ka njohuri bazĂ« tĂ« koncepteve tĂ« OOP (Object-oriented programming) dhe tĂ« Java-s ose çfarĂ«do gjuhe tjeter tĂ« bazuar nĂ« OOP.

⚫ Trajnimi zgjatĂ« 10 sesione nga 2 orĂ« nĂ« ditĂ« dhe mbahet tĂ« marteve dhe enjtĂ«ve nga ora 17:00 deri 19:00 duke filluar mĂ« datĂ« 17 maj 2022. Secili pjesĂ«marrĂ«s/e duhet tĂ« ketĂ« đŸ’» laptop gjatĂ« orĂ«ve tĂ« trajnimit.

Orari i ligjeratave:
17 – 19
24 – 28 (e shtunĂ«)
31 – 02
07 – 09
14 – 16

Trajnimin do ta udhĂ«heqĂ« Flokart Kadriu – Inxhinier Softuerik.

Regjistrohuni këtu:

📆 Afati i fundit pĂ«r regjistrim Ă«shtĂ« 12 maj 2022.

Kjo thirrje mbështetet nga Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit të Republikës së Kosovës.

The first edition of the BSides Conference in Kosovo has come to an end!

BSides Prishtina 2022 was the first edition of the BSides security conference. The conference was held on April, 30, 2022 in Prishtina, Kosova.

We would like to thank our 16 local and international speakers that gave us 13 talks and perspectives on cyber security during the event on Saturday.

BSides Prishtina was a gathering of the Prishtina’s InfoSec community where participants and speakers were able to share knowledge and meet like minded individuals. Attendees and speakers from the region as well as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Phoenix, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Belgium participated in the conference.

We want to thank our sponsors Bishop Fox, Intrigue, Celonis, Banka Ekonomike, Sentry, Bugcrows, CrowdSec, Solaborate, and Microsoft who made the conference possible. The conference was also supported by TechCamp Kosovo program, funded by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs through the U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo, in partnership with FLOSSK.

See you in the next edition!


Zhvillimi i Prototipeve në IoT 2 | Trajnim

Thirrje e hapur pĂ«r regjistrim nĂ« trajnimin  “Zhvillimi i Prototipeve nĂ« IoT” 📣

âžĄïž MĂ«soni se si tĂ« hulumtoni dhe krijoni zgjidhje inovative ne lĂ«minĂ« e IoT (Internet of Things) me njĂ« ritĂ«m tĂ« pĂ«rshpejtuar. Qasja e trajnimit do tĂ« jetĂ« nĂ« zhvillimin e aftĂ«sive praktike, duke mĂ«suar procesin e gjerĂ« tĂ« zhvillimit dhe dizajnimit tĂ« njĂ« prototipi elektronik.

Gjatë trajnimit një-mujor, pjesëmarrësit/et do të mësojnë për tema të ndryshme si: Hulumtimi & Zhvillimi i ideve, Dizajni, Elektronika, Hardueri & Softueri i hapur. Trajnimi është i përshtatshëm për këdo që është entuziast/e i/e elektronikës/teknologjisë dhe ka motiv të lartë për të mësuar tema të ndryshme.

PĂ«rgjatĂ« trajnimit pjesĂ«marrĂ«sit/et do tĂ« kenĂ« qasje nĂ« laborator tĂ« elektronikĂ«s dhe nĂ« punĂ«toritĂ« e Prishtina Hackerspace. Secili pjesĂ«marrĂ«s/e duhet tĂ« ketĂ« đŸ’» laptop gjatĂ« orĂ«ve tĂ« trajnimit nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« qĂ« tĂ« kenĂ« qasje nĂ« materialet arsimore si dhe pĂ«r t’u qasur nĂ« mikrokontroller/mikroprocesor.

⚫ Trajnimi zgjatĂ« 8 sesione nga 1.5 orĂ« nĂ« ditĂ« dhe mbahet te marteve dhe enjteve nga ora 15:00 deri 16:30 duke filluar mĂ« datĂ« 10 maj 2022.

Trajnimin do ta udhĂ«heqĂ« Lis Luci – Inxhinier i Kompjuterave.

Regjistrohuni këtu:

📆 Afati i fundit pĂ«r regjistrim Ă«shtĂ« 6 maj 2022!

Kjo thirrje mbështetet nga Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit të Republikës së Kosovës.

Cyber Security Threat Hunting Workshop

đŸ™ŒđŸŒ This weekend, students have completed two full days of training at the Cyber Security Threat Hunting Workshop! The training is being held at Prishtina Hackerspace and is facilitated by Daniel Bohannon.


âžĄïž During these two days students had hands-on-keyboard practice with several tools and concepts used by the cyber security industry. They have created reverse shells, compromised a lab system, investigated forensic artifacts and performed based malware analysis.


đŸ—“ïž The training will continue for one more day this week where students will be able to advance their hands-on learning and share knowledge.

This project is funded through the U.S. Speaker Program for Kosovo supported by the U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo.


Thirrje pĂ«r aplikim nĂ« trajnimin “UdhĂ«rrĂ«fyes i fillestarĂ«ve nĂ« Linux / Beginner’s guide to Linux”

Thirrje pĂ«r aplikim nĂ« trajnimin “UdhĂ«rrĂ«fyes i fillestarĂ«ve nĂ« Linux / Beginner’s guide to Linux” 📣

Linux njihet si projekti më i madh open source deri tani. Sistemet operative të ndërtuara mbi të variojnë në qëllime nga desktop, server, networking, cloud, embedded etj.

Siguria e lartë, stabiliteti, shtrirja në shumë arkitektura, përshtatshmëria për zhvilluesit, softueri i lirë e me kod të hapur, janë disa nga karakteristikat të cilat e bëjnë Linux-in atraktiv dhe shumë të përdorshëm.

⚫ GjatĂ« trajnimit do tĂ« mĂ«sojmĂ« mbi mĂ«nyrĂ«n e funksionimit tĂ« sistemit operativ, detajisht si tĂ« punojmĂ« me tĂ« dhe rreth veglave tĂ« nevojshme pĂ«r zhvillim me Linux.

⚫ Trajnimi zgjatĂ« 8 sesione nga 1.5 orĂ« nĂ« ditĂ« dhe mbahet nĂ« ditet e HĂ«ne, Marte dhe Enjte nga ora 17:00 deri 18:30 duke filluar mĂ« datĂ« 5 Maj 2022.

Trajnimin do ta udhëheqë Enkelena Haxhiu. Enkelena punon si inxhiniere e softuerit në Solaborate, e fokusuar në Linux Kernel.

Regjistrohuni këtu:

📆 Afati i fundit pĂ«r regjistrim Ă«shtĂ« mĂ« 29 prill 2022

Kjo thirrje mbështetet nga Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit të Republikës së Kosovës.

Trajnime për Punësim

🙌 QĂ« nga muaji dhjetor i vitit 2021, FLOSSK ka filluar tĂ« mbajĂ« trajnime dhe takime tĂ« vazhdueshme me tĂ« rinj dhe komunitetin open-source.

đŸ‘„ GjatĂ« trajnimeve tĂ«rĂ«-ditore nĂ« 16 shkolla tĂ« mesme tĂ« KosovĂ«s kanĂ« marrĂ« pjesĂ« rreth 300 tĂ« rinj. GjatĂ« kĂ«tyre trajnimeve janĂ« prezantuar bazat praktike tĂ« elektronikĂ«s pĂ«rmes platformĂ«s sĂ« hapur Arduino si dhe Ă«shtĂ« pĂ«rfshirĂ« orientimi nĂ« karrierĂ« nĂ« fushat pĂ«rkatĂ«se.

đŸ’» PĂ«rveç trajnimeve nĂ« shkolla, kemi filluar edhe trajnimet specifike si ‘’Dizajnimi i PCB me KiCAD’’ nĂ« tĂ« cilin aktualisht po trajnohen rreth 15 tĂ« rinj. Trajnimi fokusohet nĂ« dizajnimin e njĂ« pllake (development board) me njĂ« mikrokontroller dhe qarkun pĂ«rcjellĂ«s.

đŸ‘šđŸ»â€đŸ’»ïžđŸ‘©đŸ»â€đŸ’»ïžPĂ«r mĂ« tepĂ«r, gjashtĂ« tĂ« rinj tĂ« grupmoshĂ«s 14-18 vjeç janĂ« duke marrĂ« pjesĂ« nĂ« trajnimin ‘’Zhvillimi i Prototipeve nĂ« IoT’’ gjatĂ« tĂ« cilit po mĂ«sojnĂ« se si tĂ« hulumtojnĂ« dhe krijojnĂ« zgjidhje inovative nĂ« lĂ«minĂ« e Internet of Things. Disa nga temat qĂ« po ligjĂ«rohen janĂ« Hulumtimi & Zhvillimi i ideve, Dizajni, Elektronika, Hardueri & Softueri i hapur, 3D printimi etj.

âžĄïž Kjo rrjedhĂ« e trajnimeve do tĂ« vazhdojĂ« edhe me tri trajnime tĂ« tjera nĂ« Linux Kernel dhe “Rapid Prototyping” qĂ« do tĂ« mbahen gjatĂ« muajit maj dhe qershor.

🎉 FLOSSK po ashtu Ă«shtĂ« duke vazhduar takimet mujore me grupet e pĂ«rdoruesĂ«ve nĂ« OpenStreetMap, Open Hardware, Linux, Flutter dhe InfoSec.

KĂ«to aktivitete po mbahen nĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« projektit ‘’Trajnime pĂ«r PunĂ«sim’’ tĂ« financuar nga Ministria e KulturĂ«s, RinisĂ« dhe Sportit tĂ« RepublikĂ«s sĂ« KosovĂ«s.

Thirrje e hapur pĂ«r vullnetarĂ« pĂ«r konferencĂ«n DebConf’22!

Ekipi i DebConf fton đŸ‘„vullnetarĂ«t entuziastĂ« tĂ« jenĂ« pjesĂ« e organizimit tĂ« konferencĂ«s ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare tĂ« DebConf nĂ« KosovĂ«. Çdo vit, ekipi i DebConf mbĂ«shtetet nga njĂ« ekip i vullnetarĂ«ve tĂ« cilĂ«t ndihmojnĂ« nĂ« detyra tĂ« ndryshme rreth konferencĂ«s dhe e bĂ«jnĂ« atĂ« njĂ« vend argĂ«tues dhe tĂ« sigurtĂ« pĂ«r tĂ« gjithĂ« pjesĂ«marrĂ«sit.

DebConf është konferenca vjetore e zhvilluesve të sistemit operativ Debian, që ka për qëllim zhvillimin, mbarëvajtjen dhe promovimin këtij sistemi.

DebConf’22 do tĂ« mbahet nĂ« Innovation and Training Park, Prizren nĂ« datat 17-24 korrik, 2022. Konferenca do tĂ« paraprihet nga DebCamp qĂ« do tĂ« mbahet mĂ« 10-16 korrik, 2022.

Kjo konferencĂ« ofron mundĂ«si shumĂ« tĂ« mira tĂ« rrjetĂ«zimit dhe bashkĂ«punimit nga e cila mund tĂ« pĂ«rfitojnĂ« edhe vullnetarĂ«t. NĂ« konferencat e kaluara tĂ« Debian kanĂ« marrĂ« pjesĂ« folĂ«s dhe pjesĂ«marrĂ«s nga e đŸ—ș gjithĂ« bota.

âžĄïž VullnetarĂ«t e interesuar duhet ta plotĂ«sojnĂ« formĂ«n pĂ«r aplikim deri mĂ« datĂ« đŸ—“ïž 25.04.2022 nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« vegĂ«z:

📱 DebConf’22 needs you!

The DebConf team invites đŸ‘„enthusiastic volunteers to be part of the organization of the international DebConf conference in Kosovo. Every year, the DebConf team is assisted by a team of volunteers to help out with various tasks and make the event a fun and safe place for all our participants.

DebConf is the annual conference of Debian operating system developers, aimed at developing, running and promoting this system.

DebConf’22 will be held at the Innovation and Training Park in Prizren from 17-24 July, 2022. It will be preceded by DebCamp on 10-16 July, 2022.

This conference offers great networking and partnership opportunities which can be beneficial for volunteers too. Previous Debian conferences have featured speakers and attendees from đŸ—ș all around the world.

âžĄïžInterested volunteers must fill out the application form by đŸ—“ïž 25.04.2022 on this link:

Cyber Security Threat Hunting Workshop!

Call for Participants for the Cyber Security Threat Hunting Workshop! 🎉

This training will provide an overview of ethical cyber security as a career, including hands-on, technical labs using some of the security industry’s most well-known tools. The content is 10% offensive and 90% defensive in nature with a specific focus on enterprise threat hunting.

đŸ’» The training is free to anybody interested in cyber security with a learner’s mindset and a willingness to freely share what you learn with others.

📆 Training will be held at Prishtina Hackerspace during three all-day workshops on April 23-24, 2022, and April 29, 2022 and will cover these topics:

➖Ethical security career overview
➖Personal security and privacy best practices
➖Enterprise threat hunting (numerous hands-on, technical labs)
➖Networking with Kosovar security students and professionals for continued learning

⚫ Daniel Bohannon, facilitator of the training, is a Principal Security Researcher at Microsoft currently living in Atlanta, Georgia USA. He has a MS in Information Security from the Georgia Institute of Technology and over 12 years of IT experience including security research and incident response consulting at Mandiant. More information about his research, tools and presentations can be found at

Call for participants will be open until đŸ—“ïž April 15, 2022.
Interested participants can apply by filling out this form âžĄïž

This activity is part of the USTEAM for Prishtina project, financed by the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo and implemented by FLOSSK.

This training will be held only in English*

🎉 Regjistrimet pĂ«r DebConf22 janĂ« hapur!

🎉 Regjistrimet pĂ«r DebConf22 janĂ« tĂ« hapura!

Edicioni i 23-tĂ« i DebConf do tĂ« mbahet gjatĂ« 17-24 korrik, 2022 nĂ« Innovation and Training Park nĂ« Prizren, KosovĂ«, dhe do tĂ« paraprihet nga DebCamp qĂ« mbahet gjatĂ« 10-16 korrik. IndividĂ«t e interesuar mund tĂ« regjistrohen kĂ«tu âžĄïž

BashkĂ« me regjistrimin kemi hapur edhe thirrjen pĂ«r propozime. Afati pĂ«r dorĂ«zimin e propozimit pĂ«r konferencĂ« Ă«shtĂ« đŸ—“ïž 15 prill, 2022. Aplikoni kĂ«tu âžĄïž

InkurajojmĂ« tĂ« gjithĂ« anĂ«tarĂ«t dhe miqtĂ« tanĂ« tĂ« aplikojnĂ« qĂ« tĂ« kenĂ« mundĂ«sinĂ« tĂ« takojnĂ« entuziastĂ« tĂ« open-source nga e gjithĂ« bota! 🌏

â„č Gjeni detajet kĂ«tu âžĄïž


🎉 Registration for DebConf22 is now open!

The 23rd edition of DebConf will take place from July 17th to 24th, 2022 at the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) in Prizren, Kosovo, and will be preceded by DebCamp, from July 10th to 16th. Interested individuals can register here:

Along with the registration, we are announcing the call for proposals. Deadline to submit a proposal to be considered in the main schedule is đŸ—“ïž April 15th, 2022. Apply here:

We encourage all our friends and members to apply and take this opportunity to meet other open-source enthusiasts from around the world! 🌏

â„č  Find more info here:

Zhvillimi i Prototipeve në IoT | Trajnim

Thirrje e hapur pĂ«r regjistrim nĂ« trajnimin  “Zhvillimi i Prototipeve nĂ« IoT”

*Thirrja ju dedikohet grupmoshave 14 deri në 18 vjeç!

MĂ«soni se si tĂ« hulumtoni dhe krijoni zgjidhje inovative ne lĂ«minĂ« e IoT (Internet of Things) me njĂ« ritĂ«m tĂ« pĂ«rshpejtuar. Qasja e trajnimit do tĂ« jetĂ« nĂ« zhvillimin e aftĂ«sive praktike, duke mĂ«suar procesin e gjerĂ« tĂ« zhvillimit dhe dizajnimit tĂ« njĂ« prototipi elektronik. GjatĂ« trajnimit njĂ«-mujor, pjesĂ«marrĂ«sit/et do tĂ« mĂ«sojnĂ« pĂ«r tema tĂ« ndryshme si: Hulumtimi & Zhvillimi i ideve, Dizajni, Elektronika, Hardueri & Softueri i hapur, 3D printimi etj. Trajnimi Ă«shtĂ« i pĂ«rshtatshĂ«m pĂ«r kĂ«do qĂ« Ă«shtĂ« entuziast/e i/e elektronikĂ«s/teknologjisĂ« dhe ka motiv tĂ« lartĂ« pĂ«r tĂ« mĂ«suar tema tĂ« ndryshme — me fokus tek nxĂ«nĂ«sit/et e shkollava tĂ« mesme.

PĂ«rgjatĂ« trajnimit pjesĂ«marrĂ«sit/et do tĂ« kenĂ« qasje nĂ« laborator tĂ« elektronikĂ«s dhe nĂ« punĂ«toritĂ« e Prishtina Hackerspace. Secili pjesĂ«marrĂ«s/e duhet tĂ« ketĂ« laptop gjatĂ« orĂ«ve tĂ« trajnimit nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« qĂ« tĂ« kenĂ« qasje nĂ« materialet arsimore si dhe pĂ«r t’u qasur nĂ« mikrokontroller/mikroprocesor.

Trajnimi zgjatë 8 sesione nga 1.5 orë në ditë dhe mbahet te marteve dhe enjteve nga ora 15:00 deri 16:30 duke filluar më datë 5 Prill 2022.

Trajnimin do ta udhĂ«heqĂ« Lis Luci – Inxhinier i Kompjuterave.

Regjistrohuni këtu :

Afati i fundit për regjistrim është më 31 mars 2022

Kjo thirrje mbështetet nga Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit të Republikës së Kosovës.

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software, open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication.

Mailing form

    Our Contacts

    Ganimete TĂ«rbeshi St. No 61, Aktash neighborhood, Prishtina 10000, Kosovo.

    [email protected]
