Does Mario Draghi still have ‘whatever it takes’?

For many investors, the Italian prime minister is the last man standing between the eurozone and the abyss. What happens when he goes?

Russia’s Jews fear resurgent anti-Semitism amid Ukraine war

Jews have fled Russia in droves, but those who remain are scared of a return to the darkest days of discrimination.

A new dawn for psychedelics?

MDMA, magic mushrooms, DMT and acid have all had their day as recreational drugs. Now scientists — and companies — are hopeful these could be the game-changing medicines needed for mental health disorders.

Editors’ picks

Russia’s Ship of Lies: How a cargo of ‘stolen’ grain could sink Black Sea truce

Many analysts believe the cargo on the ship Zhibek Zholy to have been stolen from Ukrainian stores.

The ECB is now a prisoner of war

The ECB is priming a new ‘tool’ to help contain borrowing costs while signalling rate hikes are imminent.

To save NATO, destroy it

The transatlantic alliance needs more than a rethink. It needs to be reborn.

The metamorphosis of J.K. Rowling

When it comes to trans rights, some fans believe the Harry Potter author is more Death Eater than Dumbledore.

From Madrid summit, NATO steps into more dangerous era

Leaders grapple with new threats and challenges.

With Turkey’s economy in crisis, Erdoğan picks fights abroad

Facing a showdown with worried voters back home, Ankara’s long-time leader is wading into conflicts overseas.

Out of sight but not out of mind: The families of Ukrainian POWs wait for news

Wednesday saw the largest exchange of POWs since the war began, but thousands remain in captivity.

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Czech EU Presidency

Czech Republic braces for rocky EU presidency amid Ukraine war, high inflation

The Central European country will be working on a shoestring budget — and under close scrutiny of its commitment to green issues.

A wonk’s guide to the Czech EU presidency policy agenda

With Europe beset by multiple crises, Prague will focus on energy security, trade deals and climate change.

The Czechs Europe needs to know

As the Central European country takes over the EU presidency, here’s who could be influential.

by Mark Scott

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Germany mulls cost-sharing system amid fears of Russian gas cutoff

‘We have the willingness to do what is necessary’ to fight the consequences of a potential Russian gas embargo, says Chancellor Scholz.

EU engine ban splits Germany’s coalition

Key German ministers are at odds over the European Commission’s call to end the sale of CO2-emitting cars by 2035.

With Merkel gone, Germany gets tough on Brexit

New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has Boris Johnson firmly in his sights.


Industry warns against EU’s traceability plans to prevent deforestation

New rules would be difficult to implement and require huge investment, industry groups say.

Brussels agrees on crypto rulebook for the EU

The new rules address an array of issues, from supervision to energy use.

Belgium puts the brakes on e-scooters as injuries, annoyance grow

New rules including age restrictions aim to keep riders safe — and off the pavement.


Boris Johnson can’t (or won’t) do discipline

British prime minister’s reluctance to wield the knife against offending colleagues is legendary.

Can Britain really be an electric vehicle powerhouse?

UK minister Gerry Grimstone tells POLITICO he’s ready to win over EV giants — but it won’t be easy.

Britain finally takes its seat at the WTO. Has anything changed?

Despite plenty of Brexit bad blood, Britain and the EU are increasingly-aligned at the global trade umpire.

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