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Saturday, June 18, 2022, 0450 (UTC)
Grand jury indicts man in assassination plot against U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Grand jury indicts man in assassination plot against U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh

On Wednesday, a man from Simi Valley, California was indicted in a plot to assassinate U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

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Canada, Denmark agree to resolve Arctic border dispute
Canada, Denmark agree to resolve Arctic border dispute

A long-standing and mainly good-natured border dispute between Canada and Denmark over the uninhabited Hans Island in the Arctic Sea is to be resolved, with the Danish Foreign Ministry confirming Tuesday the nations have agreed to divide it in two.

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Western Australia Nationals MP Vince Catania to resign from state parliament
Western Australia Nationals MP Vince Catania to resign from state parliament

Nationals MP Vince Catania, who represents North West Central, will resign from Western Australia's Parliament in August, reports indicated Friday.

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Trial for accused rapist of Brittany Higgins set to begin on June 27
Trial for accused rapist of Brittany Higgins set to begin on June 27

The trial of Bruce Lehrmann, who is accused of raping former Australian parliamentary staffer Brittany Higgins, is scheduled to begin on June 27, after it was confirmed Wednesday that Canberra barrister Steven Whybrow would represent Lehrmann.

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Ethics chief: UK PM's reforms after Partygate "highly unsatisfactory", won't "restore public trust"
Ethics chief: UK PM's reforms after Partygate "highly unsatisfactory", won't "restore public trust"

Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Jonathan Evans criticised UK PM Boris Johnson's proposed changes to the ministerial code as "highly unsatisfactory".

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