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Driving London’s electric transformation

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ABOUT THIS PROJECTPlug It In is a new initiative by the Evening Standard to jump-start the electric vehicle conversation among Londoners and help shape a greener global future. Plug It In is supported by commercial partners, which share the project's aims, but our journalism remains editorially independent.
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<p>Sam Bird</p>
Plug It In

Sam Bird: ‘We’ve reached the ceiling with fossil fuel cars’

Former Formula 1 driver Sam Bird has been driving Jaguar TCS in the Formula E (electric) world championships since 2014. He says proper petrolheads like him should be excited by electric

Plug It In

Electric Vehicles: how green became the new black

EVs haven’t always been cool but now they’re bonafide celeb magnets. Just ask Kylie Jenner

Plug It In

I don’t want to get stranded! 10 ways to avoid EV range anxiety

Running out of battery is the biggest worry for drivers considering buying an electric car ‒ but how likely is it really?

Property News

Inside London’s electric car charging point postcode lottery

The number of electric cars registered in London increased by 60 per cent last year, but the public infrastructure is not keeping up

EV reviews