
Евгений Баринов

Full Stack Web Developer (php7, javascript, typescript, mysql)Фронтенд разработчикФулстек разработчикСтарший (Senior)
От 4500 $Не ищу работу
Опыт работы: 11 лет и 8 месяцев
Регистрация: 29.07.2013
Последний визит: 1 неделю назад
Местоположение: Россия, Саранск
Дополнительно: готов к переезду и к удаленной работе
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Обо мне


  • 5+ years of experience in building a variety of web applications, web-shops, services, monolith and service based (mostly using PHP, Node.js) both from scratch and diving into an existing codebase.
  • Currently I’m a Full Stack Software Engineer (PHP, Node.js, Javascript, TypeScript) in the Kenmore Design team.
  • Also I'm taking a part in some other projects from time to time to expand my professional experience and to get another skills.


Languages: PHP, Javascript, Typescript, SQL,  and a bit of Go, Python.

Technologies: Laravel, Yii2, Symfony Components, PHP Unit, PSR, Node.js, KoaJS,  JQuery,  Angular,  Mocha, Vue/Vuex, Webpack, Protobuf,  JSON, MQTT, MQTToT, Thrift, smali, Amazon SES, Amazon S3

Tools:  K6,  Ansible, Docker, TeamCity,  Jira,  Wireshark,  Sentry, adb.

Source Control:  git

Methodology: Kanbanish, Scrumish

DBs: MySQL, MongoDB, Redis.

OS: Mac OS,  CentOS, Ubuntu.

IDE: PHPStorm,  Intellij IDEA, GoLand

Design Patterns: Factory method, Abstract factory, Builder, Adapter, State, Strategy, Chain of Responsibility, Decorator, Singleton, Bridge.


  • Designed and Implemented CRM System for Forex.
  • Increased code stability by in around 50% by using unit tests.
  • Moved poorly-designed platform to modern Laravel framework.
  • Reduced a delay of synchronisation between systems by at least 2 times by using Redis-based query instead of using just cron.
  • Shortened release time by using special software like Deploybot, Teamcity.
  • Shortened debug time in 2-3 times by integrating logging system with Mongolog and Sentry.io
  • Taught intern developers how to write good designed code.
  • Experienced in working remotely without a lot of supervision, working in small teams like 2-4 developers, leading a team of 2 developers.

Участие в профсообществах

Опыт работы

  • Modern money processing
    Нью-ЙоркОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Full Stack Software Engineer
    Февраль 2021 — По настоящее время (1 год и 6 месяцев)

    Working on Billing mostly

  • i2crm
    Software Engineer
    Март 2019 — Декабрь 2020 (1 год и 10 месяцев)
    • Implemented several integration with CRM systems.
    • Reverse engineered instagram android app and whatsapp web app.
    • Implemented a patch for android app to see log records which are more than 4Kb using smali byte code.
    • Implemented exchanging of many different files between CRM systems and Instagram and Whatsapp.
    • Using Wireshark to intercept Internet traffic and dissect many different protocols like: Thrift, MQTT, MQTToT.
    • Implemented some patches for internal services using Golang
    • Code review.
    • Mentoring intern developers, supporting documentation.
    • Team work.
  • Создание лучшего доступного VPN-сервиса
    Software Developer
    Февраль 2018 — Февраль 2019 (1 год и 1 месяц)
    1. Moved the code to GIT.
    2. Helped to move the project from the old-fashioned platform written in pure PHP to a modern stack with Laravel Framework.
    3. Developed a Telegram Bot to simplify sign up process, sharing setting, etc.
    4. Increased code stability, by refactoring and code testing.
    5. Increased stability of browser extensions.
    6. Automated deployment process using special software like DeployBot.

  • Веб решения для Форекс Брокеров
    Software Developer
    Июнь 2016 — Декабрь 2020 (4 года и 7 месяцев)
    1. Designed and implemented a new CRM System especially for Forex using Angular 8, Node.js from scratch, both frontend and backend.
    2. Implemented a number of different integrations with CRM systems like Hubspot, Salesforce, Zoho.
    3. Accomplished integrations with third party KYC service, like Shufty.
    4. Speed up a slow web interface of the old CRM around 2-3 times by using async requests and optimisation of javascript code.
    5. Implemented a variety of referral modules with different complex logic.
    6. Developed trading statistic module for the CRM.
    7. Mentoring intern developers, doing code review.
    1. Remote Developer
      Full-stack web developer
      Октябрь 2014 — Май 2016 (1 год и 8 месяцев)

      Main points:

      1. 2 web-shops were created.
      2. Developed several integrations between CRM systems and web-shops.
      3. Developed an architecture of DB for cable.ru.


      Design, development and maintenance of web applications, web services, API, etc using technologies and tools like PHP 5.3 - PHP 7, Codeigniter, Silex, Javascript, Angular, Node.js, MongoDb, MySQL, Redis, Docker, Git, etc.

      1. Поставка кабельно-проводниковой и электротехнической продукции
        СаранскОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
        Апрель 2013 — Сентябрь 2014 (1 год и 6 месяцев)
        Разработка веб-проектов компании. Решаю как фронтенд, так и бекенд задачи. PHP, JS, JQuery, Bitrix, MySQL.
      2. ОАО Центр информатизации РМ
        Системный администратор
        Ноябрь 2010 — Апрель 2013 (2 года и 6 месяцев)
        Администрирование серверов под управлением Windows, Linux(Fedora, CentOS), DOS. Конфигурирование и поддержка nginx, apache, iptables, vpn, mail, samba, raid, ведение инвентаризационного учета в glpi, резервное копирование и тп и тд.

      Высшее образование

      • МГУ им. Н.П. Огарёва

        Мордовский государственный университет имени Н.П. Огарёва
        Саранск373 выпускника
        Электронной техники
        Сентябрь 2005 — Июль 2010 (4 года и 10 месяцев)

      Дополнительное образование