
Anton Isaykin

CTOДиректор продуктаТехнический директорВедущий (Lead)
Не ищу работу
Возраст: 33 года
Опыт работы: 13 лет и 6 месяцев
Регистрация: 18.04.2007
Последний визит: 4 дня назад
Местоположение: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Дополнительно: готов к удаленной работе
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Обо мне

Co-Founder и CTO Fundraise Up.

Люблю веб и амбициозные проекты.

A-Player, если вы понимаете о чем я.

Участие в профсообществах

Опыт работы

  • Modern money processing
    Нью-ЙоркОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Co-Founder & CTO
    Октябрь 2017 — По настоящее время (4 года и 8 месяцев)
  • Создаем и поддерживаем маркетплейсы
    Март 2016 — Ноябрь 2019 (3 года и 9 месяцев)
  • Платформа для резервации туров, транспорта, ресторанов, шоу и спортивных событий
    Нью-ЙоркОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Team Lead
    Октябрь 2014 — Февраль 2016 (1 год и 5 месяцев)


    Simplenight is 7M seed funded B2B startup curates vendor inventory such as dining, nightlife, entertainment, tours, activities, shows, transportation, sporting and special events and distributes them to a network of channel partners such as Airlines, Hotels, and Travel Booking Portals & Agents. Integration with hundreds of supplier’s API, White Labels, Public API and SDKs, High Availability, Localizations & Translations.

    Technology Stack: Application hosted on Google Cloud Platform on CoreOS servers. We use Docker for virtualization and containers and HAProxy/nginx as web servers. Our products are stored in MongoDB and financial transactions stored in MySQL. We use Laravel as primary php framework and Elasticsearch for search. Clientside is based on SASS for stylesheets and Angular for complex frontend UI. Message brokering powered by RabbitMQ. For continuous integration, we use Jenkins and Codeception as acceptance, API and functional testing framework. Load testing powered by Yandex Tank. Zabbix for monitoring, Logstash/Kibana for logs.

    My responsibilities include:

    • Design and development of accounting and booking systems.

    • Implementation of the localization and interfaces translation system.

    • Developing a complex editor for the products offered.

    • Developing a system for managing the team of developers who are responsible for integration with product suppliers (over 100 companies).

    • Documenting internal processes and the external API service.

    • System for accounting the developers' productivity on the basis of the Git history.

    • Developing communication protocols within the system and the public API.

    • Management of the team of 15 developers, setting goals, code review.

  • BitBull Exchange
    Senior Engeneer
    Сентябрь 2013 — Октябрь 2014 (1 год и 2 месяца)
  • Automated Intelligence Systems является R&D компанией. На базе проводимых исследований компания занимается разработкой ультра-инновационных технологий для глобальной финансовой среды более 7 лет и добилась значительных успехов.
    Санкт-ПетербургОт 10 до 100 сотрудников
    Senior Engeneer
    Июнь 2012 — Сентябрь 2013 (1 год и 4 месяца)
    Senior Engineer
    Февраль 2010 — Май 2012 (2 года и 4 месяца)

    Tourbina is funded blogging startup for Russian-speaking travelers. Currently it is one of the biggest Russian travel community. It manages more than 2M photos and 150K blog posts about 33K cities around the World.

    Service is hosted on the pull of dedicated servers. Written on pure PHP and PgSQL used as a database. Service uses Redis for ratings calculations and friend feed log. Search powered by Sphinx search. ImageMagick for processing photos and copyright protection. jQuery for client logic part.

    My contribution to the project:

    • Design and development of a content management system.

    • Sophisticated rating system.

    • Search in blogs and static sections of the website.

  • Prostopleer
    Founder & CTO
    Ноябрь 2009 — Май 2012 (2 года и 7 месяцев)

    Prostopleer is seed funded music startup with recommendations, playlists, and lyrics. In two years, it reached 2.6 million MAU. put it at the 15K-position in the global top. The embed player is shown on the websites more than 300K times every day.

    My contribution to the project:

    • Design of the service: database, network topology, UI and UX.

    • Whole back-end development.

    • Client-side development management (made by my colleague).

    • Development of a recommender system based on Slope One.

    • Hiring and managing freelancers for individual parts of the project.

    Senior Web Developer
    Июль 2008 — Май 2009 (11 месяцев)

    NNM is one of the first social blog systems on the Internet.

    I was hired to completely rewrite the system. The server part of the project was designed and developed. I was also engaged in the development of the client side. The project was deployed on our own servers and is running at the load of 300,000 visitors per day.

Высшее образование


    Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики
    Санкт-Петербург2941 выпускник
    Информационных технологий и программирования
    Сентябрь 2006 — Июль 2011 (4 года и 10 месяцев)