ROI Analytics

Attribute campaigns & content directly to revenue

Gain complete attribution across the entire sales funnel from lead generation, pipeline growth and revenue, to seamless integrations with leading CRM and marketing automation platforms.

Content Performance

Optimize performance & accelerate buyer journeys

Measure your strategy across every stage of the purchasing journey. Know which topics, formats and channels resonate with your audience to drive desired behaviors.

Campaign Analytics

Identify & invest in high-performing campaigns

Ensure your teams plan, allocate budget to and execute on marketing activities with insight into which campaigns drive better engagement across regions, targeted audiences or other custom metadata.

Operational Analytics

Boost efficiency & effectiveness for your team

Hold teams accountable for task completion with the ability to drill into every aspect of campaign execution, such as content planned versus produced and task delays or duration.

Marketing performance software built for data-driven teams

Welcome’s marketing performance software empowers teams to measure impact and prove ROI.