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EFFector - Volume 26, Issue 2 - Let's fix computer crime laws to honor Aaron Swartz's memory


EFFector - Volume 26, Issue 2 - Let's fix computer crime laws to honor Aaron Swartz's memory

EFFector! Electronic Frontier Foundation

In our 629th issue:

Fix Computer Crime Law in Aaron Swartz's Memory

Since the tragic death of Aaron Swartz, people are starting to focus on the draconian U.S. computer crime laws that were misused in his prosecution. While we have been struggling with problems in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) for years, this new attention means we may be able to get meaningful reform -- but not without a great deal of public support. Important efforts, like Rep. Zoe Lofgren's proposed "Aaron's Law," do not go far enough. We've outlined the three most critical fixes that the CFAA needs, and put together a page where you can contact your legislators to tell them that any proposed solution needs to address all three of these points. Please take action today.

Is It Illegal To Unlock a Phone? The Situation is Better -- and Worse -- Than You Think

Legal protection for people who unlock their mobile phones for use on other networks expired last weekend. According to the claims of major U.S. wireless carriers, unlocking a phone bought after January 26 without your carrier's permission violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act whether the phone is under contract or not. In a way, this is not as bad as it sounds. In other ways, it's even worse.

Facebook Graph Search: Privacy Control You Still Don't Have

Facebook's Graph Search has certainly caused quite a stir since it was first announced two weeks ago. We wrote earlier about how Graph Search, still in beta, presents new privacy problems by making shared information discoverable that previously was hard, if not impossible, to find at a large scale. Some unwanted search results come from associations with friends and family -- and are therefore out of your control. We urge Facebook to fix this problem by letting people opt out.

EFF Updates

Lenz v. Universal: This Baby May Be Dancing To Trial

After years of litigation, it appears Stephanie Lenz may have a chance to tell her story to a jury. Back in 2007, you’ll remember, she posted a video to YouTube of her son dancing and running around with Prince's “Let's Go Crazy” playing in the background. Now Judge Jeremy Fogel has issued a ruling in the case that has sent contradictory signals on the future of fair use under the DMCA.

Twitter's New Transparency Report Shows Increase in Government Demands, Sheds Light on Copyright Takedowns

Twitter has released its second semi-annual transparency report, which details every user data demand, censorship order, and copyright takedown request that the micro-blogging site received in the second half of 2012. As with Google's recent transparency report, there was a clear increase in government demands for user data, with the United States leading by far.

A Victory for Colombia: Constitutional Court Strikes Down Draconian Copyright Expansion Bill

Good news from Colombia, where the Constitutional Court has struck down a sweeping copyright enforcement law because Congress had fast tracked the bill and overstepped various legislative procedures. The Court also ruled on the constitutionality of the law itself, overruling provisions against the retransmission of TV content and signals over the Internet as well as its language on technological protection measures.

A Year After SOPA, A Look At The Next Five Battles For Internet Freedom

One year ago this month, Internet users of all ages, races, and political stripes participated in the largest protest in Internet history. Congress was flooded with millions of emails and phone calls to demand they drop the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)—a dangerous bill that would have allowed corporations and the govenrment to censor large parts of the Web. But the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and the fight for Internet freedom continues. Here’s a look at the top five issues SOPA activists should focus on next.

The Gulf States: Shared Geography, Shared Culture, Shared Oppression

In the countries that comprise the “Gulf States,” citizens are increasingly taking to social media to air their grievances against government officials, and are also increasingly being arrested, detained, or harassed for it.

What the FBI Doesn't Want You To Know About Its "Secret" Surveillance Techniques

The FBI had to rewrite the book on its domestic surveillance activities in the wake of last January's landmark Supreme Court decision in United States v. Jones. But if you want to see the two memos describing how the FBI has reacted to Jones -- and the new surveillance techniques the FBI is using beyond GPS trackers -- you’re out of luck. Though the FBI won’t release the memos, we do have some information from other sources on the surveillance techniques federal agents are already using.


EFF Twitter Headers to Flaunt Your Love of Internet Freedom

We created some digital shwag to celebrate Internet Freedom Day -- the one year anniversary of the Internet-wide blackout protests that killed the censorship bills SOPA and PIPA. Check out these images, designed to be used as Twitter headers.

Last call for 2012 Drone Census

Since last July, hundreds of ordinary citizens have helped MuckRock and EFF file records requests to map the deployment of drones across the country. As MuckRock prepares to close the 2012 installment of this project, users have a last opportunity for their request to be included in the first year's results.

Aaron's Army: Carl Malamud's Remark at Aaron Swartz's Memorial

Carl Malamud's stirring call to action at Aaron Swartz's San Francisco memorial this month should serve as a reminder: Aaron's actions were not those of a lone wolf, and his cause is our own.

Supported by Members

Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological expertise into crucial battles about online rights. Whether defending free speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your participation makes a difference. Every donation gives technology users who value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable advocate.

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Editor: Parker Higgins, Activist
[email protected]

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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Campus Party Brasil

Campus Party is a week-long, 24-hour-a-day technology festival and conference that brings together bloggers, activists, hackers, and more. EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman keynoted on January 30 and will be in attendance for the remainder of the conference.
January 28-February 3, 2012
Sao Paulo, Brazil

OSCE "Internet 2013: Shaping Policies to Advance Media Freedom"

This large-scale conference aims to enhance regional Internet freedom policies and to promote best practices in online media regulation for key policymakers and experts. EFF's Director for International Freedom, Jillian York, will speak.
February 14-15, 2013
Vienna, Austria

ShmooCon 2013

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Marcia Hofmann will speak on developments in computer crime at ShmooCon 2013, the hacker convention.
February 15-18, 2013
Washington, DC

South by Southwest

EFF takes Austin for the annual South by Southwest festival. Senior Staff Attorney Marcia Hofmann will speak at the event titled “Legal Bootcamp for Mobile Developers.“ Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian York will speak at the event titled "Cryptowars Déjà Vu: Controlling Exports of Tech." More talks to be announced soon.
March 8-17, 2013
Austin, TX

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