Targeted attacks are cyberattacks aimed at compromising a particular system or object (thereby differing from the mass variety, also designated as non-targeted or “carpet” attacks). Targeted attacks can have different development vectors and be carried out in phases. Typically, a… Read Full Article

The key protocol for the transmission of information on the Internet. It reliably transports data packets by controlling their integrity. TCP basic principles: ·         Confirmation of data block receipt ·         Resending of packets whose delivery was not confirmed ·         Checksum… Read Full Article

A form of cyber attack in which an authorized user gains access to a legitimate connection of another client in the network. Having hijacked the TCP/IP session, the attacker can read and modify transmitted data packets, as well as send… Read Full Article

A type of DoS attack that is especially effective against devices running outdated operating systems (Windows 95, Windows NT, old versions of Linux). Under the method, fragmented packets that cannot be reassembled into a single object are sent to the… Read Full Article

A type of computer fraud in which cybercriminals impersonate legitimate customer support teams. The aim is to obtain financial reward for resolving bogus issues. The techniques employed can be either technical (for example, locking the computer screen) or psychological—when the… Read Full Article

A network text protocol designed to establish a terminal connection between the client and server part of a computer system. Telnet uses the TCP protocol to transport packets without traffic encryption or other means of protection. For security reasons, the… Read Full Article

A text bomb is a fragment of text containing characters that can affect the operation of an app or device. Text bombs are usually triggered by software bugs that result in certain characters or their combination being processed incorrectly. An… Read Full Article

Threat hunting is the process implemented for proactive detection of malicious activity in computer networks. The purpose of threat hunting is to detect cyberattacks that evade traditional defenses, such as firewalls or antivirus monitoring systems. It involves a manual or… Read Full Article

Threat intelligence is information about current threats and threat actors. Companies can use the information to study goals, tactics, and tools and build an effective defensive strategy against attacks. Companies can collect threat intelligence themselves or acquire it from third-party… Read Full Article

The threat landscape is the entirety of potential and identified cyberthreats affecting a particular sector, group of users, time period, and so forth. What’s included in the threat landscape The threat landscape is usually thought of as including the vulnerabilities,… Read Full Article

A means of identifying a user or individual session in computer networks and applications. A distinction is made between software and hardware tokens. A software token usually consists of an encrypted sequence of characters that accurately identifies the object and… Read Full Article

A system of specialized servers that enables anonymous network communication. A usual connection is established directly between a user and a server; a TOR connection is established through an overlay network consisting of numerous servers with data being encrypted at… Read Full Article

A protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet. It is an evolution of the SSL standard and essentially an add-on to the HTTP protocol. To create a secure connection, TLS uses symmetric and asymmetric data encryption, various cryptographic algorithms,… Read Full Article

Trojans are malicious programs that perform actions which are not authorized by the user: they delete, block, modify or copy data, and they disrupt the performance of computers or computer networks. Unlike viruses and worms, the threats that fall into… Read Full Article

A malicious program that installs itself on a computer or other device under the guise of legitimate software. A clicker’s primary function is to make unauthorized calls to third-party resources. The motive could be to launch a DDoS attack, generate… Read Full Article

A Trojan dropper, or simply a dropper, is a malicious program designed to deliver other malware to a victim’s computer or phone. Droppers are most frequently Trojans — programs that appear to be or include an application that is valuable… Read Full Article

A program for generating cryptocurrency installed on a device illegally without the owner’s knowledge. Mining electronic money requires a lot of computing muscle, so attackers use compromised computers to set up a distributed network to create new blocks of cryptocurrency.

Trojan Spies, as the name suggests, track the victim’s activities, save the information to the hard disk and then forward it to the author or operator of the Trojan. The information collected includes keystrokes and screen-shots.

Malware type designed to steal passwords and other account information. Stealers extract stored secret keys from browsers and other utilities, analyze cache and cookie files, and gain access to cryptocurrency wallet data. The data collected by Trojans is usually sent… Read Full Article

This refers to the use of two separate pieces of information to verify a person’s identity. This combines a static password with an external authentication device such as a hardware token that generates a randomly-generated one-time password, a smart card,… Read Full Article

Typosquatting is the registration of domain names that look like misspelled addresses of popular websites in order to steal their traffic. Read Full Article