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Found 41 articles

  • Dylan McDonough-The Dots


    • 21 May 2015
    • Pip Jamieson

    The all-important question is what makes one creative portfolio stand out from another

  • Photo: Markus Spiske /

    Tips on Making the Most of Your Internship

    • 20 Jan 2015
    • Pip Jamieson, Founder & CEO, The Dots

    Pip Jamieson, Founder and CEO of The Dots shares her hints and tips on getting and making the most of internships.

  • Top 10 graduate job interview mistakes

    • 13 Feb 2017
    • Max Ramsay

    Interviews are a necessary evil on the path to a successful career - go along prepared by taking note of the following tips

  • Landing a spot on a top graduate scheme, 5 ways how

    • 31 Aug 2016
    • Andrew Sharp

    As graduate schemes for some of the country’s biggest employers start to open, here are a talent manager’s top tips for graduates looking to land a place on a scheme

  • GCSE results: Almost all young people believe not enough is being done to help them find their first job

    • 25 Aug 2016
    • Aftab Ali

    In separate research, young people also feel they are not getting enough education on managing their finances, causing them to fall into debt in later life

  • Britain needs 750,000 new digital jobs

    • 3 Sep 2013
    • Tom Mendelsohn

    Report: Young people with IT skills are massively in demand - but the government needs to provide more support

  • Student to employee: The bad habits you’ll have to change

    • 22 Jul 2013
    • Craig O'Callaghan

    When you get your first job, it’ll be time to start acting like a grown-up says Craig O’Callaghan

  • The fight for feedback: Why it pays to ask

    • 9 Jul 2013
    • Rachael Smith

    How many times have you been rejected after a job interview and wanted to know why?

  • Top tips for writing a perfect CV

    • 2 Jul 2013
    • Corinne Mills

    It's time to polish up that CV. Recruitment expert Corinne Mills explains how

  • OECD warns UK over high unemployment rates for young people

    • 25 Jun 2013
    • Richard Garner

    Young people in England spend more time out of work or on the dole than their counterparts in other western countries, according to an influential report out today.

  • Three in four of people on Work Programme yet to find a job

    • 20 Jun 2013
    • Andrew Grice

    Three out of four of the long-term unemployed taking part in the Government’s £5bn Work Programme have not yet started a job, according to figures published today.

  • John Cridland: 'The jump from school or college to

    CBI chief: Careers advice in schools leaves too few youngsters equipped for work

    • 19 Jun 2013
    • Richard Garner

    Careers advice in schools is on "life support" with too few youngsters equipped to cope with the world of work, the head of Britain's employers warned today.

  • Top 20 School Leaver Employers

    • 29 Apr 2013

    Following satisfaction surveys carried out by current school leavers taking part in school leaver programmes, the team at All About School Leavers reveal the top 20 employers.

  • Going it alone - how I did it

    • 17 Apr 2013

    We speak to Olivia Barker, who set up her own charity at just 23.

  • Lack of computer know-how is holding young jobseekers back

    • 12 Mar 2013

    Poor computer skills could be hampering young people's career chances, a charity warned today.

  • Twitter resumés are the future.

    The Twitter CV: how to sell yourself in 140 characters

    • 5 Mar 2013
    • Rosamund Urwin

    The paper CV is dead. As companies rate potential employees on their online presence, you need to tweak your Twitter résumé, says Rosamund Urwin

  • Scoring a job: Interview preparation

    • 11 Feb 2013

    Have you made your an awesome CV yet? Simple, but so many people have mistakes in their CVs or don't spend as much time as they should on them. Have a look at our handy guide to creating a killer CV and cover letter. This should tell you everything you need to know about writing a readable, useful and appealing CV.

  • iInspire

    • 5 Feb 2013

    MI5 Intelligence Analysts play a vital role at the heart of British intelligence. To learn more about what the role involves, we spoke to some of the analysts at the organisation’s HQ in London.

  • Give us a job: How graduates can stand out from the crowd

    • 17 Jan 2013

    "Well done, Carruthers. First at Oxford, eh? Just the ticket! When can you start?" This pastiche of recruitment practices in the 1950s and 1960s is only partly apocryphal. It would be totally out-of-date if applied to the recruitment of university graduates in the 21st century.