
The latest science news and developments - from space, to physics, chemistry, zoology, astronomy, and earth sciences

The invention that altered history: The slide rule

In 1622, William Oughtred created the first slide rule, a simple and easy-to-use calculation device consisting of two parallel logarithmic rulers that can slide past each other.


Will the new Compact Color Biofinder find alien life?

According to its developer, the Biofinder can detect minute amounts of bio-residue on a rock, works from a distance of several meters, and takes video.

Researchers identify new genetic disease by modifying tadpole DNA - study

The researchers studied tadpoles whose genes were edited to resemble human genes in order to demonstrate that changes in the GRIA1 gene are the primary cause of the disease.

Remember the rocket that crashed into the moon? It left a mark or two

NASA has discovered two small craters on the moon's surface resulting from the rocket crash.

Astrophysics researchers discover hidden star - study

Scientists were observing a stellar nursery when they found a binary system of newborn stars.

Comet twice the size of Mount Everest to pass by Earth next month

Dubbed C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), this collossal comet will make its closest approach to Earth on July 14 and will be close to the Sun on December 19. 


Hadassah Medical Center opens Israel's first mini organ bank

Organoids (mini organs) are used around the world in medical research and translational medicine.

Five planets align perfectly, visible until end of June

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible every morning until the end of June in an alignment not seen since 1864.

How do 'hitchhiking' marine species survive the ride? - study

Researchers at TAU in Israel conducted a unique experiment on invasive marine species, simulating changing environmental conditions from Asia to Europe.


Compound with positively charged clusters could be a useful catalyst – study

The accidentally discovered compound will likely lead to a number of scientific developments.

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